Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the world's leadership massive enterprises constantly convert the target they attacked.

Learn how to properly handle with non-governmental organizations, will become the company's future a compulsory homework.
them, you will find two topics of common interest have a lot.
2. For those who favor apt carry out supervision on the business NGO, not hostile. Even in the face of the world's maximum demanding NGO unions, there are still clever companies can do with their points because their own image.
3. When the enterprise sections in order to look in in a NGO as a associate organization, try the channels through the Foundation. Those operations adult Foundation can find a expensive segments of the NGO in each organization.
4. Do not want to do NGO as Consulting, providing issue-specific pack of solutions. NGO can help you, is to ensure that the enterprise sustainable development in the right direction.
5. Do not be all things to push cooperation to the NGO, and then turning a blind eye. any of a successful CSR projects require enterprises to truly get involved, and no NGO than the enterprise their demand for a better understanding of their own.
6.NGO of enterprises feel hope. They absence companies to communicate with their attitude of equality, hope and enterprises to long-term and settled cooperative relationship. try to win from both sides point of outlook to quest cooperation opportunities, which behalf both sides.
7. the two sides try to be as resource sharing and co-pay.'d better working on a small scale extension project, and then gradually moving towards the core business of long-term cooperation.
8. Some of the hands of a more international NGO resources, and some NGO specializes in design projects, and some NGO's strengths is to do consulting. to understand the different specifics of NGO's, enterprises and their cooperation to targeted.
9. Supply Chain the sustainable development of almost all environmental NGO is currently a heading of care are, administer their supply chains for enterprises to conquer will not only points on the image, it is operating on the real benefits.
10. For businesses, NGO not just cooperation should be agreeable to share the vision and enterprise mm to share strategies, share business which need help, try to use different features of the different NGO to help you improve the strategy.
12. Not only is equivalent to reduce the number of low-carbon energy strategy, not just donations to schools in the public amuse, copy the template does not excellent. with the NGO collaboration with the corporate strategy to build an extension out of the CSR, this is the real success.
NGO to change the world all of their
Enterprises should be conscious of the past, holding a banner in protest against the penetrated will of the NGO who is all-round effects and changing the world.
thought that he is defeated, this time: two months ago, when Greenpeace volunteers wore as the red ape, holding that read, Nestle Kit Kat Chocolate apply the advertising slogan but this is a group of NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations, this refers to the non-governmental non-profit organizations) just dissimilar show.
known as the largest financial groups in Indonesia, Sinar Mas Group, the world's largest personal palm plantations, AFP is the world's second-largest corporate producer of palm oil, palm oil products, a virtual monopoly on the all upper approaches of the world. to the personality of monster palm oil industry, Indonesia's Sinar Mas Group to ignore the statutes of any company shall not be in the tropical rain forest areas preoccupy more than 200,000 hectares of forest regulations to control the piecemeal reach 2.8 million hectares of palm oil plantations. At the same time, they can do to Indonesia's Sinar Mas Group, the Government will collect testify of the destruction of tropical rain forests of volunteers to busy in an open letter to Nestle, condemned the destruction of large areas of Sinar Mas Group, the tropical rain forest, the palm plantations of tropical rain forests and peat lands to the expansion of the red apes endangered category occupying the habitat .5 17, Nestle, the official made the statement that global no longer in use led to the destruction of tropical rain forest products, as Greenpeace calls for a reaction.
Not only that, Greenpeace continued below oppression in December 2009, the world's second largest palm Oil expense also announced the termination of the company Unilever and the Sinar Mas Group of palm oil worth $ 30,000,000 contract. Subsequently, the food giant Kraft Group announced earlier this year to abort the contract with the Sinar Mas Group. oil giants Shell and British supermarket chain also has Sainsburyrs that are no longer purchasing palm oil from the Sinar Mas Group.
As a long-term industry oligopoly in the domestic hoodwink, Sinar Mas Group is bound to re-assess the NGO in the global business ecosystem, the enormous influence, and for the NGO concerned, that they were mission only.
compel to be reckoned
was said that in the Copenhagen meeting, the heads of most value watching is not a political show, compared with their helplessness, NGO the enthusiasm is much more straight. Copenhagen, but all of the government negotiators more than 1 million, meantime more than 20,000 NGO representatives. NGO in the international community tried to residence climate issues critical moment, make their voices listened, to affect the results.
NGO the enthusiasm is justified. history because they changed a lot of critical time: the crisis on international action in Rwanda is in the United States, France, the UK's international non-governmental humanitarian organizations to lobby governments to exert pressure above taken; Nepalese stranded Allen Creek II project is also deserving to the local NGO lobbying led to the restriction of funds results. NGO is the most powerful force, they will also be able to lever the government decision-making between the action and even international organizations, government intersectoral action and put pressure on government decision-making and influence. Even aggravate, the Philippine government in 1991 through the to the position of closet members.
the political impact of NGO operations is a goal of many, but not cozy to achieve.
Today, they are more on the way business and economic dialogue with industry and enterprises, ratified by way of corporate communication and cooperation, NGO's ultimate mission for the completion of m to protect the environment or climate change and other international issues and make due efforts.
WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and other agencies to fire The FSC forest certification has become the global forestry market, the formation of barriers to trade: EU rules, there is no access to FSC woods certification of foreign enterprises will not enjoy tariff preferences the EU. In order to promote the FSC forest certification, the EU introduced a FSC name, you can take a considerable proportion of the customs tax discounts apply.
affected, from 2001 -2009, the almost two million hectares of forest area was adopted by the certification. In China, the option of the certification number of enterprises additional from the initial 7 to 1000, even the 2008 Beijing Olympic venues all wood flooring and gates through the certification, in order to support the concept of Green Olympics.
NGO to promote the industry-standard results It not only affect one company, but by a few leadership companies as an example, affecting the entire industry or even industry, then worked out at national level to promote more sustainable development policies favorable to business.
This is the NGO that mm want to see the social order, the environment and because of their standard business rules change. distant more than that, the corporate social responsibility can not flee today, NGO to change their own business models, rational and even strategic implications are extremely far-reaching . For example, the topic of sweatshops. This is a topic of long plagued many multinational companies, Coca Cola, GAP, Wal-Mart, Nike and many other international giants have had such an experience. This time it was the apple.
Like many American companies, Apple's manufacturing operations are located overseas, including mainland China, Taiwan, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, .2006, criticized Apple's iPhone, on behalf of the needy working conditions at Foxconn factories. Apple is also found through the inquiry problems, and promised corrections. In Malaysia, Apple and other three companies and other non-governmental organizations and trade unions jointly launched a pilot project, hoping to help improve both Malaysia plant management on the level of foreign compact laborers, including provide workers with rights associated with the lawful and cultural guidance and teaching. Apple said the company will learn from the experience of the promotion to all suppliers and will continue to review the suppliers, for reiterated violations of the enterprise, Apple will not and then to work with. In fact, this is not just the culling of business models, for many suppliers, this may be a vital topic. If Apple can not do the standard, whether it is knocked out, they are probably a problem of survival .
NGO in China is complicated
specific research NGO in China where the history began. But in recent years, China and the NGO's development seems to have a word associated to: Disaster In 1998 the Chinese NGO's Age of Enlightenment, ; torrent relief private enterprises, the celebration is a large donation was just the privilege of state-owned enterprises.
when the mediocre people the impression of non-governmental organizations, and most representative of Project Hope, large eyes, and the disaster on television, called on the public Red Cross Society of China donation of such semi-official bodies. so that when people speak almost NGO, had to explain specifically with a few words this is the abridgement of which .1998 flood reconstruction work after the lawful environmental protection and attention, making the NGO began to take hold in China.
more importantly, in the face too many flooding exposed environmental problems, the state policy level will be included in the Government attaches importance to environmental protection projects; to Liang Congjie, Yang Dongping, and other cultural scholars initiated the establishment of the promote environmental protection concepts. However, the country look, at that time the real work in a professional manner NGO also few.
6 years after in 2004, which is a NGO in China, had to jot the history of the year. which In the Indian Ocean tsunami brought large shock people and more the ultimate thinking. the face of increasingly prevalent normal disasters, NGO should be a government together appearance of the civilian power of love, become build up more than the consensus; the TV screen, the international NGO to carry out the humanitarian misadventure relief and reconstruction, but also bring inspiration for domestic insight.
a landmark accident, in this , with the growing NGO role growing, is on June 1, the State Council published the occasion. The Ordinance is more important, thus, all the NGO to establish their own not only the big beneficiaries of the international NGO, Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the more developed districts, more and more entrepreneurs to begin setting up the Foundation, and the expected clash of plan, more people nigh the country have enrolled NGO. Just Fund Management Regulations years, destined to convert the new event in Chinese history, a, Wenchuan earthquake, the Beijing Olympic Games to become the eternal memories lingering. more importantly, the centers of the Wenchuan earthquake in the bounty, lit the launch of the Chinese national liberalness Age . is this year, NGO conception deeply rooted in China, scale up NGO into the hasty lane of their own development.
earthquake relief to foreign NGO to fight together on one platform, but also to servant The NGO saw his gap. earthquake early, a Spanish NGO, only two or three individuals, and support the 15 million victims of the annual water projects; has more than 100 volunteers and a national NGO, only the service 20000 people have floundered.
an industry source commented: along an ardent NGO can not prop up the ideal, in order to make long-term development NGO organizations can and must be specialized and differentiated.
encountered while the CSR for the company, their earthquake in stimulating public warm at the same time,scientists from the people long- abandoned small bee, . In other words, companies too hope to use their own advantages, long-term benefits for stakeholders, not just simple donations.
Today, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has long term is not an icing on the cake In fact, it is becoming competitive enterprises to establish their essence factors. without regard to the number of enterprises in performing their social responsibilities, so long as to see how companies are to achieve their social responsibilities, you will find in this area , business and professional NGO co-operation between also many.
example, in mature markets, whether it is biotechnology, medical innovation, food security, or education, scientific research and other fields, most people life is hard not to with the NGO adjoin occurs, numerous large and small NGO and foundations are all appearances of the world. In AIDS, the global scientific research on AIDS, most of the Gates Foundation has been funding and other funds; new technology in agricultural research, the Rockefeller Foundation has been silently support; even in racial equality, obstruction of nuclear proliferation, improve child nourishment and other issues can see the NGO presence.
in the United States, the total number of legally registered NGO has over 2 million, total funding more than 500 billion U.S. dollars, 900 million to determination employment issues. a large number of NGO widely athletic in charitable, educational, cultural, artistic, environmental and other fields, NGO in the total disburse share of GDP has reached 7.5%. there are file show that in 2008, the U.S. nonprofit sector donation to 307.65 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 2.2% of GDP, the United States, accounting for U.S. allied government costing that year the proportion of 10%. In other words, do not consider the government social welfare spending and other sectors social spending, then there is the United States single accounted for civil GDP2.2%, 10% of expenditure of social chief into social assistance. While in China, charity donation in 2007 accounted for 0.09% of GDP in 2008, accounting for 0.27% of GDP Even the outbreak of the National Charity enthusiasm in 2008, this diagram compared with the U.S. market is still too far.
we have cause to deem, NGO contribution to the economic of Chinese society ambition gradually mushroom. premise is the absence for us to understand the NGO and their task, and grant more people with their perform attach. This is why in adding to supervision, more choice and undertaking cooperation through NGO affect partners. For instance, McDonald's packaging in mandate to solve the problem of pollution on the context, U.S. Environmental Conservation Foundation and the McDonald's adept had to work together to develop a better insulation,beijing massage, cache convenience and dwindle packaging tissue paper bleaching process is used to replace the previous higher levels of environmental pollution in plastic packaging. Tissue Packaging has been in use to the present, a large digit of McDonald's global cache reduces the value of pollution.
such a situation, China is also catching location. NGO and business with the government more of a complementary relationship, not only can help the implementation of CSR business strategies to help companies nail areas of sustainable development in their core competitiveness, but also the government on bills related to their reports in many cases can influence government decision-making. For businesses, the need to do is NGO learn the language and logic to communicate with them, understand them and help their sustainable development.
NGO arena
face color Banlan the NGO arena, take the initiative to understand and study how to deal with the NGO enterprises will win for their own future development opportunities.
facing business today is a chromatic NGO arena.
in this arena, there are accustomed to business Feng Qi's to promote environmental protection concepts, the preacher of the market; also good at design and implementation of projects were completed; also fashioned a foundation operating NGO; are rising build up grass-roots NGO; of course, relying on the official backdrop NGO team.
10 years antecedent, important element in competitiveness. Business and NGO had started to re-examine the relationship between the two sides: on the an hand, companies need a professional NGO to tell it more applicable way; on the other hand, NGO once leveraging the power of enterprise will not mistrust away from their final goal closer. an NGO know how to deal with professional companies, must be able to win tomorrow's market delivery opportunities.
So, NGO is a group of what kind of human? their world what is a kinds of scenes? they are meditative, what to do, with what variety of identity? how they adhere to and during the pursuit?
Indeed, as wave clouds shrewd deceitful as the business world, NGO's rivers and lakes as wealthy and unlike . However, whether it is actively running, or around cooperation, these have different goals and values ​​of the NGO has an ultimate purpose of leveraging mm hope to promote greater energy business his profession. For businesses, regardless NGO the mask, all are there with them the possibility of cooperation in different ways.
sharks and dolphins
1971, 12 young people take the signs perusing to An Qika Island (Amchitka), try to stop U.S. nuclear tests conducted there, they even intended to thump up 4 trucks transporting nuclear test matters to express their fixed stance opposition nuclear testing.
in Europe , Iceland and other countries to stop whaling in the Atlantic Ocean, Greenpeace also use donated asset to purchase a used trawler ship, labeled .
in that the Beatles swept the world, young people, mad cult mow. Guevara, that environmental protection means that a non-cooperative outlook of the epoch of consistent protest Greenpeace lone warrior image to fascinate a large number of maverick supporters. Since then, Greenpeace, is destined to become more like sharks in the group of NGO kin.
in the NGO world, Greenpeace can mention is the most outstanding one NGO sharks. As funding sources rely on public donations to make this a high-profile organizations inevitably work route. if for low-carbon economy, promote, or against to GM, where they sound nowadays almost all of the hot areas of public concern. relating to the The Nature Conservancy (hereinafter referred to as the TNC) that take the professional path NGO, Greenpeace is not good at doing the calm segments of the environmental protection and technological research, so And because of this, the world's guiding large enterprises constantly become the target they attacked.
in this shark-based NGO gaze, CSR is no longer optional choice of enterprise, and to become directly related to the mark corporate image and even the long-term development strategy. With the deepening of corporate globalization in the field of social responsibility, demand speed up. Today's enterprises have to do is to assure not only their own products and low-carbon and environmentally sound product wheel as possible , supplier management is also decisive. Once a morsel negligent, it will become the target sharks NGO objection, applause or blame so that the mark image continuously.
passage of time, despite Greenpeace today and had long been the builder of the radical parted ways, and gradually relinquished the practice of some of its extreme and paranoid character, began to accept a more rational way to melodrama their own influence, but it is still aggressive personality can not expunge the gene.
and sharks is a modest corresponding dolphins. If sharks NGO NGO characterizing the early development of a prevalent idealism and mythological, then the dolphin species represents the proclivity of NGO in a cooperative means to promote corporate social progress and environmental improvement in the practical classes NGO Group family.
in the March 28 on the internet, for and the world in season with the lights, take concrete actions to partake in has more than 2.2 million families and businesses close for an hour lamp and device. ex post statistics, turn off the lights for one hour of electricity saved for 20 million TV sets in 1 hour, 50,000 vehicles to escape 1 hour. more people involved reflect the stars that night to see several times more than usual.
just a year's time, this event fast with amazing speed sweeping the globe .2008 March 29, with 35 countries Up to 50 million people to participate, . with respect to those who criticize their corporate havoc of the environment, pointing the snout of sharks NGO, WWF NGO that dolphins level and business goals is more hope of finding the same opportunities to achieve win-win location. Dolphin level NGO always among the context of the problem can be solved looking for cooperation and careful to mallet to their own borders. They have no strength to find mistake with the interior operations of enterprises, while through their own expertise to help companies amplify the CSR vision.
the eyes of the Dolphin class NGO, cooperation is the best means to achieve their own ambitions. such as cooperation with companies and strengthen the influence of the enterprise, to promote solutions to enterprises to achieve their goals; the other hand, enterprises can cooperate with these NGO's to better corporate social responsibility, and improving the glory and image and win more market. At the same time, enterprises can answer to the needs of internal employees, increase worker sense of involvement and sense of belonging and increase their internal cohesion, and even enterprises are probable to help NGO platform, to improve narrations with the government hh
to WWF, for example, in the access of cooperation with enterprises, they are more inclined to create industry standards to adviser companies to a cheap carbon and sustainable direction. For example, as in the immediate noodles , cosmetics and other productions are widely used in palm fuel, only a few tropical countries in the earth can grow. Owing to the colossal market demand, large zones of rainforest to plant palm trees to be felled, causing detrimental effects to the ecological environment. WWF is committed to enhance the sustainable development of palm oil products, appraisal, certified to the cultivation and development of more rational, to accomplish the intention of defending the environment.
paradigm shift in our market. to achieve higher environmental standards required by the voluntary type, and achieve lofty standards through innovation, companies can see the long-term economy and social benefits. At that time, those who adhere to the orthodox development prototype of the business will be attracted to the new the road to sustainable development. So, while the WWF does not want the shark action organization so drastic, but the efficacy is the same.
from the business point of view, and these dolphins NGO cooperation, will own a greater share initiative. equal partnerships, enable enterprises to CSR in the way of innovation and its absorption of more fresh nutrients, and actively participate in such organizations to promote industry standards. For the enterprise, regardless of their products to increase competitiveness and help enterprises to acquire export or trade qualifications, are extremely attractive.
preacher and local cast, there was
creeks and lakes, rivers and lakes where there namely leap to take the microphone and ultimately, folk.
before and later the Copenhagen appointment in 2009, Wu Changhua, president of Greater China, attended the air nearly always proficient to heed, and on low-carbon economy, meeting or bbs to sermonize a low carbon economy. And in the past 3 annuals, Changhua Wu and her crew many Chinese enterprises to provide low-carbon solutions. that is, NGO and medium power of such mutual exertions, the end of 2009, the emergence of a low carbon economy and fashionable stamina rumble.
said to enter China from 2007 to the present, low-carbon economy is so peppery, the climate organization so that more people adopted the concept. > In the low-carbon economy in the context of a global boom, scale up enterprises begin to energy maintenance as chapter of corporate strategy, NGO and business in low-carbon also scale up areas of cooperation. and to join this carbon boom, and naturally not only the Climate Group, the overwhelming energy and environmental companies, and advertising and the rise of assorted projects, has proven this point.
Wu Changhua, however, said her goal is to may be close, which is enough to make the government meditation tank, the goal Wu Changhua ran to. The Climate Group would like to take this detecting in the field of climate change and enterprise, and even room for cooperation with the Government.
Climate Group to do next is, more choices and local governments to promote the economy of the industrial building change. such as local economic development strategy is National Climate Group will be to identify the city leading to help them examine successful cases, the international experience and resources come together, designed to meet the characteristics of the city's sustainable economic development, industry, the city's industrial framework, not only in the context of a competitive country in the world have distinctive characteristics, . committed to influence government and other high-end resources to promote their own careers. relative to the implementation of specific projects, they are more proficient at the use to become rich experience in international business or government think-tank.
time for those who are not good by carrying out publicity CSR of the enterprises, NGO-type sermons are potential business partners mm CSR projects are doing, you can use these NGO platform leveraging more government resources and public attention; In addition, good planning and counsel can also help NGO enterprises to devise a singular CSR projects.
, of course, take the microphone NGO are few. In addition to act preacher, more NGO is to help enterprises focus on the implementation of characteristic projects to do. a cloud of experience will qualify them to professionally corporate social liability programs and corporate long-term strategies, and pointed out what the best solution; the same time, lusty project execution capabilities so that they can together with the enterprise to appliance CSR projects, cooperation in the face to face,toronto escorts, and amend the sustainable strategy .
example, in the conservation of biological diversity, with vast experience in the field of TNC, with the conservation of biological variety in the decades of experience, the United World Commission on Dams, the U.S. Corps of Engineers Association and other international organizations to cooperate with the China Three Gorges Corporation so that the ecological impact of dike construction and environmental factors into account, a group of green building dams, reinstate and maintain the global ecological environment matchless to the Yangtze River.
to the NGO players to emerge in most of them have decades of history, they are more areas in the subdivision accumulation of many years of experience, with the majority of enterprises do not have the expertise. in the concept of green and full of low-carbon around us today, many companies are not bound in their own familiar environment and before the decrement something in season. The NGO is known for the implementation of the largest corporate wealth; also for those who have a strong afford chain companies, and such exercising and management of NGO cooperation is an wonderful opportunity to own the supply chain.
NGO organizers
in the NGO in the world, antagonism the differ types of NGO, yet the vast majority are more or less the growth of NGO's and a relationship with a special NGO NGO mm patronize the growth of the Foundation.
NGO Foundation and the growing relationship between the transfusion and the recipient lesser. NGO Foundation is to organize the power of the feeble; in public donations, the Foundation or NGO are the most important financing outlets. Interestingly, when some NGO support in the development and expansion of the Foundation, after they themselves would rotate support small NGO, NGO in order to retain the healthy functioning of ecosystems.
example, the world's largest environmental NGO organizations a, TNC in the early stages of development had to rely on the support of the Ford Foundation, and then used to purchase Greenpeace restrictions, ...

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