Wednesday, April 27, 2011

merely too contains 18 amino acids and vitamins. such for vitamin C and niacin and so on

Today in promoting return to nature, people dine a diet of savage,toronto escort, eat, live, eat green, the voice of miscellaneous eating in antique periods seems to forget we have two major health drinks - honey and vinegar.
honey, the worth of nutrition and anti-aging has always been highly valued, the heat; heat is warm in nature, and it could fill in; Gan and peaceable, and it could detoxification; soft and How to Ze, and it could moistening; slow to work urgently, and it could stop the anguish of sore confidant.
Modern Nutrition studies have shown that high nutritional value of honey, its main components such as glucose and fructose not only a level of simple sugars, but also contains alanine, phenylalanine, glutamine, asparagine, histidine and other 16 kinds of amino acids; minerals in honey are also many, effectively phosphorus, copper, steel, magnesium and plate. In addition, the body's metabolic processes can not do without the help of various enzymes in the honey to contain invertase, amylase, glucose converting enzyme, hydrogen peroxide, enzymes and a variety of enzymes.
Honey also contains the livelihood of human health and promote immune function and prevent cardiovascular disease, necessary vitamins such as vitamin B1, B2, B6, C and folic acid and nicotinic acid, etc..
no simple sugars in honey can be absorbed by the body to digestion, it has been weakened for the absorbent system, metabolic function decline is particularly appropriate for the elderly. honey contained in the amino acid 6, is human life activities necessitated. it contains enzymes of sucrose, amylase can promote assimilation and digestion of carbohydrates; converting enzyme directly contained in glucose metabolism; catalase has the role of oxygen free radicals, can prevent the aging and cancer.
honey ore content and mineral content in human blood is very similar, this will aid the body sponge minerals. Since the presence of minerals, making honey in the body into one alkaline component, can be and in acidic components in the blood, people immediately relieve labor, amend their health.
recent annuals, honey has been applied to servant and alien health nourishment. such as lofty blood pressure disease of the retired, the daily a.m. and nightfall Drink a cup of honey water, is quite profitable, because honey contains potassium, sodium row after entering the human body function, can play to retain the role of the blood electrolyte equilibrium. For patients with atherosclerosis, eat honey, protect blood vessels, via then, the function of blood oppression.
In addition, continuing hepatitis, liver dysfunction in patients eat honey can improve liver function. of TB, consumptive cough patients, honey is a good normal nutrition, can enhance constitution. with gastric, duodenal ulcer disease in elderly people, wore in uniforms better honey. For patients undergoing from breast pain, aggression with warm open water by joining a few drips of honey and 30 grams of ginger nectar taken, can relieve symptoms.
is both a seasoning and vinegar is a good health care productions, the cardinal component in addition to containing acetic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, succinic acid and other acidic substances, but also contains 18 amino acids and vitamins. such as vitamin C and niacin and so on, with the defer and dwindle fatigue, regulate body liquid pH, help digestion, which will help absorption, prevent aging, Sterilization, obesity hindrance, oppression kill roundworm, pinworm and other parasites, cancer, skin concern, sober, and other health effects. < br> Our research has confirmed that the acetic acid in vinegar, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, diphtheria bacillus, salmonella, ringworm,Nutrition Chinese students by 1990, etc.,shanghai massage, made a variety of bacteria, fungi, and even against measles, mumps virus and so has a mighty aptitude to kill. so it is constantly secondhand to prevent and treat skin, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract of assorted infections.
popular in the chilly season, vinegar fumigation by manner of public areas such as schoolrooms, shopping malls and disinfection , can play a role in cold prevention and handling. This is because the flu virus does not the cell film, pH alteration in the external context will influence their metabolic movement, thus preventing the division and proliferation, resulting in death. Secondly, acetic acid is volatile, before eating it can stimulate the olfactory cells, making the brain unlock the nerve center of nicotinic acid, can inflate blood vessels, and promote the excretion of cholesterol, and can enhance the flexibility of blood vessels and penetration. and vinegar can enhance renal function, diuretic effect, so that sodium excretion through the urine, blood pressure indirectly caused. Therefore, the public has follows vinegar or vinegar soaked soybeans, peanuts, egg or vinegar to the practice of prevention and treatment of hypertension. liver disease often eat vinegar, not only to boost desire, and 1 of the amino acids and vitamins are artificial proteins essential protein for liver tissue fix is significant.
Chinese medication, vinegar can virus and a variety of fungi, they are competent apt discourage the induction of mutations in regular alternatively cancerous people compartments. Recently, numerous scholars likewise secluded from the metric and vinegar extract has anti-tumor materials, beast experiments recommend namely these anti-active substances premonitory effect above cancer. In pulchritude megalopolis, the vinegar adding of amino acids contained in the body tin subserve the undue consumption of portly into a physical, but likewise apt the intake of sugar and protein metabolism such as flat, so nice heaviness detriment. Also, because the vinegar's acetic mordant, lactic acid, amino acids, glycerol and aldehydes and other compounds, above people skin has a soft stimulation to make the blood containers to dilate, increasing blood prevalence to the skin, shiny ruddy skin.
In the hangover, the vinegar to battle and mitigate the inhibitory effect of liquor, increased gastric secretion, dilate blood vessels, which will help blood circulation, improve liver metabolism, increased renal function, expedite the diuretic, alcohol quickly secreted from the body.
but long-term corrosion of dental vinegar solo will make decalcified, so drink should be reduced with water, wash with water after drinking. Hecu acid should not be too many people, principally people with chronic kidney disease, or even cause acidosis. Shaolin Zen
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