Sunday, June 5, 2011

mention unreasonable

Civet cat: I'm innocent!
Guo Geng
1, confession
I shrieked civet cats, by definition, love to eat the fruit of the bandicoots. Due to face with white stripes, and also known as flower bandicoots. We live many mounds in the forest, shrub. nocturnal, arboreal, to hole for hole, and ate fruit, of special note, love to eat hickory, kiwi, etc., and eat rodents, amphibians, birds and insects, do not look omnivorous, in fact, We are a class of animals, civet. The most rare is the civet animal found in the south branch, in the north, especially in Beijing to only our lonely one: Qin Puerto kinds of civets. You listen the name of child We counted the north tunnel to help it.
2, originally
recently, had not seen a human SARS virus outbreak in over 30 countries, therapeutic workers found that the 1st few cases arose in China in the preferable Game of Guangdong, and several patients ahead the increase of an animal seller or did game cook. Further, on the 10 managers of the medical checkup of wild animals, found that as much as half of them were positive for SARS virus antibodies. More alarming news is Shenzhen and Hong Kong coupler research scientists, 8 species, 25 animals,shanghai escort, after testing examples, isolated the human SARS virus very similar, especially our body civet virus,shanghai massage, SARS and human personality as many as 99% the. Thus, the human uproar, like that annoy the culprit as the SARS locked on me, of way, also lists several additional animals, in mandate not to make them undergo, I meditation, or not to mention their labels. see , we, especially civet cats had to be apocalyptic.
3, plead
paradise has eyes! whether we carry the virus, had no human stakeholders. We do not live in the city, and people do not love company. We are nativity timid, telling anyone to hide, telling anyone to run, but, male I caught fleet, see me hit. We human beings have always been taken to avoid the policy, but from another perspective, we hide the result is to protect the human person. After all, as animals, be subjected wilderness, there will be a lot of my body parasitic pathogens, due to strong immunity, we, as host, has long been evenly matched with the formation of the balance between the virus,beijing massage, many viruses outbreaks in animals is not, as in the green monkey AIDS virus, Hendra virus in flying fox; reasoning, we, as viruses, microorganisms host, is to help people trained. at the peak of human beings rotate away from us, then no the risk of infection, I would agree that the human sentence the outlay of state statutes, like the terrorists kill us wildly,beijing massage, but you know what? When the closing date of our life is our body's virus, bacteria began to shift the time of slaughter animals, we humans, we naturally become looking for a new host the virus, only themselves to blame Yeah!
4, who is by mistake?
15 century, while Spanish settlers came to America, not only to Europe to bring the regional indigenous people of smallpox, to a massive number of deaths, Furthermore, the colonists also infected with syphilis so from South America, to Europe and around the earth, who is at fault? Is offense up in South America, indigenous?
African green monkey AIDS is considered to be the native host, but not for human intrusion the forest, eating monkey flesh, why would only the green monkey infected with the virus only, not the inexpensive deceive you! similar samples teem.
Today, people are locked into the culprit SARS civet cats in our body, we push bother anyone? Why do not you find the real culprit - the operators of wild animals, eating animals, gluttonous persons, murder in the killing really necessary? say unreasonable, are killing innocent persons, killed down crime? frequently heterogeneous anger, bullying the weak, the performance is weak and despicable, and not a human doing.
we civet cat is innocent, your euthanasia now!
Finally, the virus let me Tell people, he said: people do not make me, I will not prisoners, but if we are bombarded, we will naturally counterattack! The reason is simple, begin with the mouth, the human mouth as long as the control self, it will not backfire, Dr. Disease drinks, you self-love it!
civet cats afterward also Shashui?
Guo Geng
memorize Monkey, I am running side to retention endangered monkeys, monkey do Monkey said TV agenda or primate lectures, when animal mascots for the Beijing Olympic Games Selection (elk? Beijing bar? Beijing Duck?) to jot articles, suddenly, came the melancholy newspaper to Guangdong: to prevent SARS spread, to cripple the existing civet cats. Hearing this, shocked! Many people said in startle, just as the fascist collective massacres, the civet cat is the crime? stronger than anything another do not eat animals, kill home doing? media are in one uproar, the website called: ten thousand hh Gourmet Kitchen open, view, Justice has come sooner or later must get that problem. This time, if it is confirmed that civet cat SARS virus carriers, it is more validation of the disease from the mouth, the patient is the result of eating game that led to this uncomplicated conclusion. Therefore, we should vigorously remediation are those game operators, gluttonous, and not the victim mm civet cats. Even if you eat it because of civet cats and disease, its body was transferred to you, the liability is not in it because , it is not intentional. It should be said, is ill-intentioned people who eat game, knowingly, not only themselves to blame, but also affects the entire society, which should be severely punished .15 century, when Spanish settlers came to America, not only brought smallpox to the European local indigenous people, to a large number of deaths, and that these colonizers also infected with syphilis from South America, to Europe and around the world, who is at fault? Is crime in the South American indigenous it? African green monkeys or chimpanzees are considered AIDS original host, but not for human encroachment of forest, eating monkey meat, how can people infected with the virus in it's own, is not cheap trick you! similar examples abound.
Now, I'll advert civet cats: civet cats, by definition, adore apt dine the fruit of the bandicoots. along side with pearly stripes, and likewise understood for flower bandicoots. routinely live in more than hills of jungle, bush. nocturnal, arboreal, the chasm because aperture, and ate fruit, In particular favorite Prunus davidiana, kiwi, etc., and eat rodents, amphibians, birds and insects, do no look are omnivorous, in truth, belongs to a level of animals, civet. The maximum rare namely the civet beast found in the south branch, in the north , primarily in Beijing, the civet civet cat namely the merely Division animals, civet cats Qin Puerto species.
this time, innocent of civet cats to apocalyptic. to Heaven has eyes! regardless of if you will be carrying the virus, originally and the Department of Human is not dry. people neither live in the metropolis, not love and who love the enterprise. naturally shy, narrating anyone to conceal, telling anyone to flee, however, to grab the human fleet, saw the kick, see the eat. civet cats to humans, has forever been to shirk the plan, but from dissimilar perspective, the outcome is to protect the people hiding people. After entire, as animals, be subjected wilderness, there will be a lot of parasitic pathogens, as mighty immunity,afterward the suggestion stage, as host, has long been evenly matched with the formation of the balance between the virus, many of the virus in animals is not broke, such as the green monkey AIDS virus, Hendra virus in flying fox; causing, animals As a virus, microorganism hosts, is to aid people trained. at all times human creatures to animals kept at a distance, then not danger of infection, I would coincide with the sentence I am! transfer when the slaughter of human animals, we naturally convert a virus looking for a new host, only themselves to reprove Yeah!
Today, people are once anew locked to the SARS offender civet cats who had bad luck, people perturb anyone? Why not to find the real culprit - the workers of savage animals, eating animals, gluttonous persons, assassinate in the killing really required? say unreasonable, do not murderers not criminal, guilty of killed you down?
lightly Shoot the foreigners, bullying the languid, the rendition is languid and cowardly, the explosion of the Black Death of medieval Europe, the British had vent their inflame on the dog, see dog to kill, and afterward testified to be wrong, is acquiring a face only. There is a mentioning replacement Prince solemn violation of the life sciences in violation of ethics, even incompatible with international accustomed mm inquire, which nation due to the spread of AIDS or green monkey massacre of a chimpanzee? have namely nation because of likely scatter of rabies and wantonly kill a dog, for there may be Tox, B virus and wantonly killed the cat? whichever animal, including decisive types of people that animals are virus, bacteria may be host to a killed of do it? kill civet cats achieved, if the epidemic repetition, yet also kill who? your euthanasia now! civet cat is innocent animals are innocent. afterward, it is the truth: the disease from the mouth, the human jaws at all times the control self, you will not obtain scalded. Otherwise, the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu's poems to truly became a prophecy:

front foot 5 toes

FOTO: Three North Institute
cat beast conservation at the national level ; endangered wildlife
Chinese: leopard
English : Leopard
Latin Literature Name : Panthera pardus
characterization of species identification the body fashion admission feature
tiger, yet obviously smaller ; first small tail width, short limbs and health ; cilia was yellow, covered with a dark ring speck ; front foot 5 toes , behind fewer than 4 toes, claws white , can be flexible . Distribution of the main Leopard Distribution in Asia ,beijing escort, Africa and the Arabian Peninsula .
Shanxi Province of the absolute land zone of ​​15 square kilometers, 60's leopard captured 1750 , the mean density of 1 / 86km2,usually known as the Little Mermaid,beijing escort, and 70 1224 the mean density of 1 leopard Only / 122.5km2, the mean density also decreased by 60% .80 's less hunting and wildlife maintenance schooling and publicity are not unrelated , but the leopard 's keen ebb in the number of natural populations is a fact .
Endangered Cause 1 The main reason is the long-term over- hounding . namely the panther injure cattle, on behalf of their bones with pelt alternatively bone , and accordingly was a lot of hunting ; 2 ,shanghai escort, habitat dispose is the leopard thespian reduction .3 Another important reason ,shanghai massage, population Too small and isolated from every other , resulting in populations of degradation, namely caused at one of the reasons

too known for Yuanyang Xi. namely China's 1st ecology keep duck.

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10, Eurasian Robin (Robin)
range: temperate Europe, northern birds winter south Winter moved to North Africa and the Middle East by the coast.
Habits: Dwelling in the merged and secondary plant, gardens and shady place. on the floor for either feet together bound, usually not fearful of life. habitat in the lower wait predator insects and worms , but the height issue of melody. grotto nest.
the birds based on scientific research, in the animal world, is one of the best birds match for life, but fewer people in China know.

6, also known as brutal geese geese geese
, is a species of swan. colossal migratory birds, waterfowl hunting is an momentous, but also rare namely people dream game, saying: Tian Erou how tough it is, how beauteous.
Dayan never live lonely, there will be a group of geese in the mini mysterious. one die, the other will perpetrate suicide or dies died.

2, black-necked swans
length of 99 cm, is also a rare bird, produced in Argentina and Chile in South USA, living in South America, will be carrying a chick swim. is the only kind of love concern cruising in their own Youqin Swan. In addition to their long feathers in the neck and shiny black feathers, the repose are white outdoor. In addition, the found is still long in the mouth with a huge, beautiful red sarcoma, which makes them not other swans and recondite as the holy, but more of a lukewarm and natural.

1, alias lawful mandarin duck mandarin duck
, are ducks, technological name is Aix galericulata.
small Youqin. total length of about 40 cm. male Toba colors bright, with a metalline honour. inhabit the mountain valleys, streams, Wei Tang, lakes, paddy fields, etc.. to plant-based foods, but also eat insects and other small animals. propagating season from 4 to 9 months, male and female pair after shook to nesting places. nests placed in tree apertures, with the fodder and plumes upholstery. 7 ~ 12 eggs per litter, light greenish yellow.
extra ducks in the northern Northeast, Inner Mongolia forgery; and southeastern provinces of Fujian, Guangdong winter; minority in Taiwan, Yunnan,】 【Picture Book guji guju ducks raised alligator, Guizhou, namely the dweller birds. Pingnan County, Fujian Province, there is a 11 km-long White Rock Creek, a flow of deep show, calm mountain sides in every thousand of ducks in the winter, likewise understood for Yuanyang Xi. namely China's 1st nature keep duck.
duck The most amusing feature is the and congratulated. legend, Fuji pair Mandarin is life.

4, Peony parrot
Name: Peony parrot (Agapornis fischeri) is also ; Peony parrot body length is generally about 15 cm, heaviness 40-50 grams. jaws ruddy, white eyes and wax membrane. head of black brown, red yellow neck orchestra. on the light green chest, behind and wings green, black pinion tip, tail green, gray feet. peony otherwise brown head parrot, which the head is dingy brown, usually known as brown-headed peonies. peony Wild parrots live in tropical jungle, often set large group of life in general breeding in tree holes in the nest. to a diversity of plant seeds,beijing massage, fruits and berries for food, in the south, the birds often abuse harvests and orchards in the bunch, disliked by regional peasants and steer them away. Because of this feather colors bright, often caught feeding, resulting in fewer and less wild number.

species of person creatures, in fact, animals are sentient species. The researchers base that numerous animals and humans have the same persona and sensibilities, fair like whales while in courtship with lovers named behind nature, love birds will not depart with a partner-shaped scenery, reside always, and most will reside together for life.

3, glazed glass macaw macaws
(Blue and Gold Maca)
very close to people and have a lofty degree of intelligence, studying and the aptitude to speak very nice mimic,beijing escort, because this feature, many people prefer keeping them as pets since childhood,beijing massage, on the other hand, their life is very long, can be accustomed as our life-long accompany.
form: the body back to blue color is golden yellow belly,beijing escort, forehead green spots. cheeks are white, yellow eyes, beak and feet are black, the female of the smaller. located in northern Panama to Paraguay. In some areas, they also quite general, usually paired groups live in forests, open fields, swamps or close water sources, like the palm tree holes in the nest.

5, crowned crane
forms: dark overcoat, with pearly wings, his head the golden crest, the label of the resulting cap crane.
habits: also man and female pairs of habitat or social life, 1 apt puberty, the male crane will be dance to obtain the like of the female crane. usually insects, fish and grains because a living.
crowned crane is out of the name

Do not just say

Rhododendron Rhododendron Juan-shaped head, ericaceous, there are some 60 category. azaleas are widely dispensed in the world, primarily in the Old World moderate and tropical districts. constantly live in the jungle and bush, quite timid. is often merely listened the sound, but no its fashion. We often based aboard their call to give their names.
cuckoo most striking feature is their eggs in other birds nest, to help it by other birds hatch. This variety of couple Acacia mouth bird, the scientific name Leiothrix
lutea, people have also been known as the Red-billed birds, Red-billed jade, Acacia and other colorful. In circumstance of ornithology in the classification of subjects thrush passerine flycatcher subfamily, there is a kind, called Acacia silver bird beak, habits and harvesting usages is alike. Leiothrix primarily in southern Asia, India and most parts of the hills and mountains. The feather color gorgeous, beautiful body, among the male and female birds, inseparable. sounds bright , especially the male, consonant sounds very good. the body length of 15 cm, the average life expectancy of about 10 annuals. the incipient habitat in the hilly areas of the broad-leaved forest, miscellaneous forest, bamboo forest, coniferous forest and bush, winter to the foot and other places of life, delight gregarious. been domesticated, the raise birds at home and abroad has become fashionable ornamental trap bird lovers.

9, magpie
characteristics: total length of about 45 cm long tail. feather roughly blue-black, but the elbow and navel is white, composed of another black and white fusion, song as noisy small animals and fruits as the main food.
ancient legend, there has been


Discovery Discovery Channel News Discovery Channel their perception and amuse at a cloud of the crowd. The anniversary persons. To celebrate the The potent animal. from the shark's behavior and diversity, to the peculiar experiences of run, apt lest shark attacks, the secluded,shanghai escort, we ambition assist the audience know the worst merely most often misunderstood ocean predators . as the In the provinces and municipalities nationwide twenty-six television > First broadcast special scrapbook venture stories to escape a shark attack; Finally, we will emulate the beast action adept 戴夫萨蒙尼 shark scientist Ryan Johnson and South Africa to New Guinea forward with the br> What is a shark dine shark eaters
said, the prerogative to a full set of armor from the motorcar will not let go. But the truth is, these big guys in the recipe is both complex and particular, and has to shut its numerous aspects significant impact - such as head and habitat and so on. Les Stroud will lead the audience to browse a diversity of close-eating sharks, including great white sharks, mako sharks,beijing escort, tiger sharks, ox sharks, Caribbean reef shark, lemon shark and scalloped hammerhead sharks, etc., and what kind of shark base in the most powerful jaws,shanghai massage, shark feeding frequency of how and why, what was the provocation of shark attack. (Dec. 17 premiere)
kiss five shark massacre < br> Mining abalone divers encountered a excellent white shark attacks,beijing escort, the head and an arm had been bitten. a youth matron to swim the waters approximately Easter Island suddenly encountered a dangerous position, the lifeguard came to the liberate with bite tightly approximately her legs began a immense shark drag of campaign. a shark scientist caught in the Bahamas more than a dozen sharks surrounded, and his leg was bitten. a fisherman's arm bitten off by sharks , but he altogether tin no remember the circumstances surrounding the incident. In the vicinity of a remote Pacific isle, a yacht holiday is the matron is a nine-foot tiger shark hauled into the water, the mariners above the ship in the same horror while She finally hit the shark ashore the snout it move behind. The 5 survivors of shark attacks will be their own experiences, himself survived to narrate their exciting stories. (Dec. 18 premiere)
shark tribe Quest < br> animal behavior experts 戴夫萨蒙尼 shark scientist Ryan Johnson and South Africa will be invited to heed the remote beach of New Guinea to visit the weird shark local clans - they paddled a small canoe, do not use lure,a broad scope of disburse care to the product process, you can ; phones Dec. 19 premiere)

the cardinal planting eucalyptus

In recent years, along with economic development, China's surge in claim for periodical; the same period,beijing escort, the Chinese paper manufacture also requested the emission energy, reducing the proportion of straw pulp serious pollution. Thus, it becomes integrated pulp and periodical country's strategic choice, from a massive paper mill pulp mill to create a colossal pretended rapid growing forest, and forest management, logging, pulp, paper and sales mingle into a virtuous cycle of industrial chain. for the development of integrated pulp and paper manufacture The 1st workshop, on how scientific development of plantations, environmental protection, efficient use of limited land resources has become a plantation manufacture development in the focus of attention.
citizen industrial policy that integrated pulp and paper countries via scientific planning and reasonable delivery of the Strategic Action scientific development in the sterile mounds and wasteland artificial pulp and paper forestry, to better protect normal forests and other ecological forest. reform and opening up 30 years of unprecedented economic and social development of China's development, the state forestry provide more funds to strengthen management of forest science matured time work. In fully appliance the Party parliament, forestry guidance of scientific notion of development, and promote the development of forest management. APP (China), as China's integrated pulp and paper companies, in compliance with national statutes and local policy environment, according to the scientific development of national policy guidelines for plantation projects, uphold the ecological forest and intensive management, and actively develop modern forestry. in promoting the ecological, economic, social balanced development, and approached initial expectations.
cultivate product efficiency in order to better protect the ecological environment. , so that savings in a decisive area of ​​land to effect both the conservation of biological diversity conservation merely also to amplify a win-win objective. In Brazil, nevertheless the implementation of the privatization of land. But the state regulations, the total area of ​​plantation pedestal in half planted forest, and half for biodiversity conservation. Therefore, to enhance the yield per unit area, retention the land, biodiversity conservation can be achieved.
from the perspective of sustainable evolution, technological evolution projects ambition be facing plantation treatment and monitor the environmental clash of woods plantation and protection of biological variety. November 2007, APP Forestry Division, Department of Environmental Protection launched electronic specimen bank project, which covers a range of Hainan Jinhua Forestry Co.,shanghai escort, Ltd. Management Area 8 Eucalyptus and Acacia mangium below the vegetation. at monitoring the eucalyptus factory specimens covered arbor, shrub and understory floor, herbaceous layer, vine, creeping vines, ferns, fungi, lichen and additional seven categories of the species, the scientific development because the APP plantation, conservation of ecological diversity provides the basic file. During, APP (China) Forest Service together with the Guangzhou Institute of Tropical Forestry in mandate to better comprehend their plantations above the surrounding environment, the water level and water quality, while the afforestation rigid control of the process of the use of fertilizers and chemicals to ensure aggrandize productivity and minimize environmental impacts between the two can have a reasonable poise.
APP China Forestry forest management and annual operations, have stressed that to maximize the protection of ecology,beijing massage, and to develop a set of scientific forestry processes,beijing escort, and strict enforcement. APP is immediately on the fashionable afforestation ought be carried out scientific arranging and devise, to retain the Peak, the mountain, ravines with native vegetation, set alongside by the foot of the conversion district 10 meters broad, and according to local conditions reasonably practical layout tree species, but to condense on the plantations, maintaining the diversity of forest species, highest early in the planting soil and water conservation.
in soil arrangement, planting, attention schooling process, APP also provides jobs to mountains along the outlines, the implementation of band action, thus shortening the slope, the line width of the ladder of the same makeup, so namely they form a layer of the runoff will be blocking layer namely weakened, mainly curb taint erosion.
in other areas, APP also strengthened the management. For sample, they deter cutting firewood in the forest to minimize the scalding and logging use while leaves and the return of forest bark to amplify soil organic matter and nutrients; stressed eucalyptus planting density should be rational, no also near; focus on save understory vegetation, tree, shrub and grass ecosystem; enhance eucalyptus and acacia, West Nan Hua and other species miscellaneous to create, to maintain nice forest ecosystems.
In increase, APP is also according to regional soil hydrology, elect the fitting planting of regional tree species. Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong as their cardinal cultivation camaldulensis, Eucalyptus exserta, Eucalyptus tereticornis lemon eucalyptus and other hi rainy eucalyptus, the chief cultivation in Guangxi Meranti, Eucalyptus urophylla, Yunnan of more droughts, the cardinal planting eucalyptus, blue gum and other hi straight dry dry eucalyptus.
2008 年 6 月 27 日, APP also Hainan to make to preserve ecological balance hh athletic plantation and biodiversity research, exploration, practice development and biodiversity conservation plantation in Perfect Harmony.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

April 22

April 22,shanghai massage, 2009 is the 40th Earth Day ,beijing escort,tall computer, Earth Day has officially announced the lawful website of Jan Martin Will designed at the 2009 Earth Day poster: the sea ice disappears,beijing escort, polar bear holding a small helpless The pillars of a air turbine .


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Salons artistiques
Art Salon
Le festival Festival
Manifestation culturelle qui s'articule autour des quatre units naturels (l'eau, l'air, la terre et le feu) et des sept masterpieces (la danse, la peinture,beijing massage, le stylisme, l'art culinaire,favor ghosts, la musique, l'architecture et la poesie). Les differentes penalties artistiques sont ainsi orientees vers la ecology afin de promouvoir de jeunes artistiques tout en sensibilisant le public a la protection de l'environnement.
around nobody extra than the rendition of entire the arts the 4 natural elements: water, atmosphere, land and bombard, and must at masterly method apt effect 7: disco, drawing, carve, cooking, melody, design and poetry. Of way, these differ aesthetic techniques namely apt rely on nature as generated, and to develop and defend the normal environment there.
l La nature dans tous ses arts r, c'est:
Le Salon d'Art Vegetal: organise par Communic'Art dans des espaces verts autour de l'Art Vegetal. Ce museum gratuit est une grande manifestation annuelle qui par le bais de la transdisciplinarite artistique, celebre la nature et appelle a prendre rectitude de l'importance vitale de notre energie personnelle reliee a l'environnement.
Art of Nature , we tin appreciate the art fashion of criss-crossing brought the beauty and the sense of our lives and the shriek of nature: how the stamina namely we as individuals interact with nature, closely interlocked.
Le notion art vegetal
d'art, salon, atelier d'ecriture.
this mind comes from art, commerce, and the environment, and with more scientific usages to show more categories: exhibitions, festivals,shanghai escort, seminars, newspapers, school art marathon Sharon and book.
l La nature dans tous ses art r est ne du concept Art Vegetal qui est en fait la conclusion d'un travail de sensibilisation developpee tout au long de l'annee. Il vise un tres colossal public tels que les organismes oeuvrant pour la protection de l'environnement, les artistes amateurs et confirmes ou etudiants en ecoles d'art, les enfants participant ou non aux ateliers d'eveil a la nature de Communic'Art, et bien sur, toute personne sensible a notre demarche liee a l'environnement et a l'art.
Aparte: Interview de Pablo Garcia dans le trimestriel l reverberate 14 e + r:
Le salon vegetal s'inscrit nil dans la lignee du mouvement ecologique? l Il ne s'agit pas d'integrer la nature dans notre societe mais de la reconnaitre en tan que telle, reconnaitre l'unite qui nous lie a elle. La nature represente l'essence meme de l'homme. Il a vecu un corridor de la nature a la civilisation, development dont il a ete l'acteur headmaster. Pensant acceder a une vie meilleur avec les progres technologiques, il n'a fait que sleloigner de son humanite. Il faut de rompre ce divorce par une prise de conscience de ce lien qui nous element a l'environnement, univers auquel nous appartenons r.
one awareness of nature protection of environment. Both renowned artists,beijing escort, or students in school, and those who have been contained or no instantly involved in the Arts Centre the babies, of course, must have a deep love of nature, including those and art people.
private message: yet to make us the natural community, and his comprehending of our interconnectedness. Nature is characterized by all person basis. He built a reach of human civilization from the natural aisle, the main support of human evolution. Just assume, those who brought about by scientific development and better life, equitable let us disunited from human nature, separates the human and natural environment are connected with the feeling of the whole earth musing.
Les salons organises par l'association
Marche de la poesie en 1999
Le salon en 2003
Festival du theater 2004
Association Communic'Art - Tous droits keeps - 2007
Contact - La Charte de l'Association - Les Partenariats

Self mode namely variety of how computer

E degrees makeup web Zhuangao April 2010 National Self wine learning answers Zhenti e: 10.5pt; Self mode is variety of how school ? language exercise paperback , I saw one article written above one inspection team , he listened that the color changing gull egg , very good to want to feel a few to look , no Think I would have caught a small seagull happened . this mini gull is very cute, white plumes, sunny eyes , yellow mouth hh
small gull Beihao startles a large gulls ,a bbs actuator, they are groups of Results Small seagull liberate teams to come to their players who take turns shit , the team members clutch a small gull , and have actually overturned on launch , so a small seagull killed hh
I thought: the inspection group also bad ! First, he Should no catch small gull, dispose of nature he is doing it ; second, gulls apt instruct him a course ,beijing massage, he also shot hand,shanghai escort, is actually erroneous above wrong !
we want to defend animals , not the same as the inspection team Harm animals, ah !
beasts are alive creatures, namely the friend of mankind , is part of nature !
Let us protect the animals it ,shanghai massage!
Henan Province,beijing massage, Chung Dong-young third grade school experiment : Peng Rui
[ recommended ] I see

I am a warrior

(I shambles they thought)
This is the recent global kick of a merged film, and more absence to just feel -----< br> seen the film have to remember the lines ought be mmI See You. the simplest of the 3 English words, is linear and translated into Many people have given different editions of the interpretation of these words: understanding,shenzhen massage, understand, staring, seeing, there was communication hh consumers jot ashore the post:
I see you mentioned the membrane Pandora namely the most pretty languages ​​on the planet, as humans mention will discern their eyes from each other. So, the perfected life fashions in differ meet,shanghai massage, from the crossing of both the mind, to watch what your look like?
in the hereafter world, human get Pan Earth Dora the planet's mineral resources of a superconductor, started the ,shanghai escort, and are capable to control the people idea ambition, in order apt assist the survival of Pandora and taken apt revive the worth of valuable mineral accustom in the hands of the Earth.
thighs paralyzed deserving to injuries occasioned by members of the former Navy Jack, coincided to accept the correlate to complete the experiment and high-tech incarnation of convince them to share the infrequent mineral and human sources. However, in deeper contact and understanding, an avatar of human and spiritual Na'vi mutual sense, feel the ecology of resources given to different life forms is not occupied. So, he and to advocate maintaining the ecological balance of human partners began a combat defending the planet Pandora.
in Pandora, Avatar, see the wonderland of forests, drifting mountains, life, harmony, and is satisfied namely the United States met chief's daughter Nai Dili, he was the general pure as crystal, agreeable girls are fascinated and migrated, and Nai Dili are incompatible heterogeneous process,favor apt instruct a few extra Students {studapt to maextraore friends Zheng, felt Avatar gallant, honest and friendly,shanghai escort, they Pando La spiritual purity in love beneath the tree. However, the Earth people offer to use violence to devastate a team of Na'vi predators, heavy misadventure off the shade so there ------ thrilling scene: beautiful natural, ponderous bombard, good and evil war, survivor ---.< br> In the cinema, when the ears explicit ethereal theme anthem , fair one immediate of blanking ourselves, in the pure infancy nightmare in the fly. the fancy of ​​sophisticated use of complicated Avatar appetite, we can no cover entire alive human creatures and the wishes of nourishing the ecological poise of enthusiasm for the sensibilities of pure appetite and the resources to vindicate their territory, make unremitting efforts to safeguard peace.
has a natural and pure spiritual friends, to feel the dream of your childhood and the future it --- anything was rotated upside down, as whether there is the real world, here is a dream.
One life ends, another life begins.
people can retire, yet the morale can not be retired.
stamina stream in organisms, all the vigor is borrowed, sooner or afterward must compensate behind.
Everything is upside down, as if there is the real world, here is a dream.
I am a knight, hoping to build peace.
we must use violence opposition violence!

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2011 vocational entrance examination limits reported by campus entry examination
2011 standard, any 1 adjustment to the 4.8 lenses extra than 400 degrees, not studying seaman technology, sailor science, dimension and control technology and equipment, nuclear engineering and nuclear technology, biomedical engineering ,shanghai escort, costume design and engineering, helicopter manufacturing project, the seven majors. If spectacles to 800 degrees, not catching water when increasing the professional level, civil engineering, chemical and pharmaceutical, agricultural engineering, medicine class, Surveying and Mapping , transmission, animal medicine, and approximately 30 categories of professionals. professionals mention, visual examination of the students generally are not standard with the science and engineering majors miss out.
last year's Liu Jun, who lives in Shuangliu
students, military service has forever been a appetite to serve the motherland, and grew up in a military household, he parents ambition their babies to grow up to transform a soldier and a feud, why they named: Liu Jun. Liu Jun, the results in the class label of class has also been forefront in the last annual may, while heeding the college entrance examination only to find that their eyesight is only 0.6. because they can not pass a therapeutic examination, it is so marble is the brush down. let Liu Army below bombard, never anticipated that actually lost their own myopia. unyielding Liu Jun secretly vowed, be sure to correct myopia, and fulfill their nightmare of military ......< br> Intralase femtosecond laser aid clear the cups dream Liu Jun is no longer a luxury
After numerous inquiries and web message, detect the best new management of myopia in the United States intralase laser equipment, Intralase femtosecond laser in 2003 by the U.S. FDA agreement because clinical petition. surgery entirely the probability of corneal pat complications, therefore, with the femtosecond laser to create the corneal flap, which greatly enhanced the safety of excimer laser handling of myopia; compared with lamellar corneal sword, production use of femtosecond laser corneal flap, mowing uniform thickness of the corneal flap,toronto escorts, flap thickness and diameter too can be set, control namely very agreeable; Intrlase femtosecond laser corneal curvature is no affected in the quondam because of the degree of tall myopia, skinny corneas causes are not longer a problem. Liu Jun
through online way also studied that the globe has more than 3 million cases of patients had Intralase femtosecond laser surgery. which NASA (NASA) and the armed forces agreed by IntraLase and VISX wavefront iris situation Surgery for astronauts and pilots. because of their high security and accuracy, NASA ambition Intrlase femtosecond laser myopic as the merely disciplinary surgery, NASA's approval to beyond verify the Intralase femtosecond laser beyond the current additional existing myopia surgical equipment standards for the safety and effectiveness.
It is understood that Chengdu is now possible to carry out this operation, that is, southwest, northwest preferential presentation of the U.S. intralase femtosecond laser (intralase femtosecond laser for the United States NASA only approved the technology accustom in astronauts) mm Chengdu Puri Eye Hospital. Liu Jun, with a vision for the hereafter and hope, came to Chengdu Puri Eye Hospital, behind the preoperative examination of 17 afterward myopia has been completed surgery more than 18,000 cases in Beijing was gifted the daily meeting of the learned ophthalmology: bad,before Earth Day theme, and Liu Jun,shanghai escort, Director Zhao told by preoperative evaluation,shenzhen escort, Liu Jun, visual acuity at least 1.2 and above. collared by the military no problems.

Ocean sub-mountain and mountain parks in 2 parts

Photo: Xinlan heart behind then
Repulse Bay by noon, to sort restaurant. Travel with the group, really came and went away also hastily. After luncheon, the tour guide informed quickly went to Hong Kong Ocean Park. When I was in Dalian 've been to Tiger Beach Ocean Park, and that such an in-depth experience of Pavilion, very impressed. Hong Kong Ocean Park is a large pastime park, built in the mountains Point Peninsula, surrounded by the sea, take considerable Repulse Bay smart scenery, and the body at the theme park, you tin too let you enjoy the tour and feel the pleasure of provocation.
into the door, here is what kids activity and babies Lowland Kingdom, Hong Kong public holidays, though no that daytime, merely our visitors and so numerous visitors from bring offthe earth. The body of Hong Kong junket was very starving, the everyday digestion edible quickly, in the park, when seen McDonald's, could no resist buying a few snacks to spend HK.
Ocean sub-mountain and mountain parks in two parts, joined to a wire motorcar. free time I go to the mountains of aquariums, birds family. aquarium is 1 of the world's largest aquarium, we are among by the aisle to visit, there are a variety of fish , leopard sharks, eels and additional reef fish. seeing at the beautiful fashion of sharks swimming in the water is hard to dream it's scary mouthful of sharp teeth.
preference ought be the sea Theater,beijing escort, who often watch dolphins, seals, performing a chip of cake. ahead the start of the prim performance, there will be 4 aliens during the show, sing some pleased melodies and apt be sensitive. blue swimming pool,I worked fishing with the snakes, these guys their Performance namely quite cute, platform integration visitors and their pleasure,shanghai massage, visual and nervous to the utmost happiness, which is very exciting.
out from the Ocean Theatre, a bunch of colleagues set out to play a large indulgence. A Liu Yong Jin The project took me down, and the vessel from the waterway from a 70 degree angle virtually frantically bathed down, I felt a mighty vibration in the center. For Vertical Limit, a roller coaster of these projects, I can merely see distant. once thought of death to dead once,beijing massage, looked up the people screech, folk down beyond admission, facial deformation,beijing massage, the breakdown of my idea repeatedly.
Dalian Tiger Beach Ocean Park Hong Kong is a very massive than the more, and The extra complete facilities and all humanity. the whole p.m. playing in the park, near to sunset while it came out truly playing a team of outrageous guys!

entire vehicles ambition be extra than the UK

SOS Global warming a solemn man, by the research, if namely namely true, salute to forward,shanghai massage, please connect the ranks of saving the planet)
global warming, has convert the world are familiar with the term, then face the urgency of its , severity and consequences, merely not yet widely known by the general public. now been incidents around the world, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, torrents, droughts, plague, and so closely narrated to global warming.
latest news, According to the latest report of the United States Space Administration NASA to Now warming situation, the summer of 2012,today for, the Arctic sea ice will all thaw, if the South, the Arctic ice entirely melted, then the oceans will warm, and then Natural gas will be unlocked from the ocean, we all exhale the ocean deserving to poisoning of normal gas, the oceans have a great number of normal gas, enough to annihilate everyone. in accordance with the speed of warming immediately, and if administrations are not resolved, by 4, 5 years the world will be broke,shanghai massage, this is actually quite urgent.
According to scientific reports, animal husbandry (because people love to dine flesh, will have the manufacture) is the largest reason of global warming, with vegetarian and save please Earth bar,toronto escorts, called you up to stop animal and prohibit the production and use of anyone products involving animal factors.
the relationship among vegetarianism and global warming? Perhaps numerous people will question, I quote the following author of the Dutch animal gathering words of Fatima Marian to let everybody understand approximately it. (of lesson the United Nations likewise has a lot of message public, we have time and retard the internet)
Marian Fatima:
if the British everyone, 7 days a week are vegetarian, will fight to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of 91 million tonnes, which is equivalent to 12.5 million among the UK's greenhouse gas emissions, it is the British half of the list.
whether the British, vegetarian 6 days a week, retention the carbon emissions will remove the road more than 9 million conveyances entire 2 thousand.
if the British, vegetarian 5 days a week, will reduce 65 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, so that carbon emission rebate will be more than all the UK users The total electricity consumption.
If all British, vegetarian 4 days a week, will reduce 52 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, so that the value of carbon reduction, all vehicles will be more than the UK, the total carbon emissions of 七成.
If all British,shenzhen massage, vegetarian 3 days a week apt reduce the effects of greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to all the families equipment, such as refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher and washing machine, and replaced with energy-efficient, plus isolated walls, setup double glass, tall efficiency boiler and thermostats.
we dry up?
a beef
consuming 1200 gallons of water a chicken takes 330 gallons of water to a pure vegetarian point
(with tofu, rice, vegetables) merely takes 98 gallons of water
absence of food do we?
cereal consumption (animal feed accounted as 36%)
soy consumption (animal feed accounted for 74%)
globe the digit of folk affected by starvation?
9 million 2 thousand 3 hundred people starving in the present cattle grain
ample food for 20 billion people.
2008 年 6 月 13 Britain's London video < br> Supreme Master Ching Hai:
I have said, eight of global warming, almost instantly stopped and will be competent to see results within weeks. If keeping more animals, methane will be reduced. If not eat meat, you do not transport the meat, oil claim is much less. All these people tin be exercised to do additional work. hunger will be reduced, because of agricultural products, cereals can invest for human consumption, preferably than animals. We do not There will be starve, famine caused by the war will not affect the far-reaching. keep doubling down calculation, you know what I said.
vegetarian and science has testified to stop the production and use of all animal products are the fastest to save humanity and the best access to
whether we ought think whether it is to survive, to save the kin, babies essential?? is important to meet their jaws like this, right??
the world have to have a 70% vegetarian, global warming can be controlled, the globe, human beings can be saved
. Please Each in his own power, shrieked ashore the entire society vegetarian environmental conservation, to save human creatures, save to
all people Government, the medium should aid save the planet, speedily do it! (preferably the request of the media, TV programs, newspapers and journals were bold at the board requested more details, to save humanity, save the planet these words, allow people to every days to see whenever, anywhere, to consider the human will speedily wake up, and with a vegetarian to save themselves, their families and the public)

neonate formula does no join anyone hormones

Seven babies should be famous namely early ingredients generally
Recently,beijing massage, the infant girl, has been eating the same brand of milk abrasive deserving to the body and premature specifics, the beginning of bosom development. At the same time, it was reported, Jiangxi, Shandong, Guangdong is also found in cases of infant redundant hormone testing, they are covered from birth brand of breast to nectar .
San Yuan Milk Powder: infant formula does not multiplication whichever hormones
7 days, Sheng Yuan Nutritional Food Co., Ltd. the official website loosened an open letter to the media caused. In this San Yuan said its > The formula appears early doors, so once anew into a dread amid parents, many people are in answer, in the end our children are secure to eat what you tin, you still have secure food?
However, in appending to early doors this formula,today for, there are immediately children of the city, and even persist to scatter the trend. ; precocious adolescence Find the fact and the torture affair early, we need to do is to try to prevent this from occurring, at last, it is laborious to alteration social problems, and only as much for feasible to prevent children Education and training means, it must also bid farewell to the source of various food additives gradually,shanghai escort, hormones and other perils to human health, affecting the composition of child development,shenzhen massage, such as:
one, attempt to dine a lot of early Animal
fowl, geese, including pigs, are now mature, feeding period is shrank, in order to boost the amuse, not how long it will heave the basic listing of more than 1 year from the elemental chicken down to 45 days will be proficient to grow mall; ducks, geese and other life shrank to 28 days know next to nothing of other animals, fowl, seafood and other foods containing hormones. This one is a credit to a crowd of hormones and additives, especially the duck head beheaded portion, because ripening agent residue in poultry effectively aboard the pate, so many children like to eat these foods, Parents also deem that these more nutritious food wealthy in protein, so blind to the children eat a lot of early mutton. In particular, some Western rapid food is not only a precocious entities, and ultra-high heat, and if a large number of these children for a long time food, will inevitably occasion the child of precocious puberty.
Second, try to eat fruits and
people listed ahead of not merely beasts grow faster, merely also to make factories grow faster. Some parents equitable favor their kid to purchase some rare Listed along of extra priceless fruits, let the kid eat in the winter strawberries, grapes, spring, eating watermelon, peach, also favor to pick the color primarily bright, tall, especially fruits. since infancy I grew up in rural areas, kas long asthese seemingly beautiful fruit, many of them are ripening proxy namely applied or preservatives, especially in spring just listed the tomatoes, in mandate to steer the amount listed for a great digit of tomatoes, ripening agents are basically accustom, but in summer there namely no customary mature this season location happened.
Third, do not abuse imperial pudding and other health products
many children easily cause early sexual development in children. Colostrum, Royal Jelly, ginseng tonic, but also allows children essential parameters such as supplements, it is indeed quite cozy to cause Le and Jog. Allman learn found that plastic bottled water contains chemical composition of estrogen. Scientists extracted from water specimens of these products, followed at New Zealand to do with these samples of water snail breeding experiments to resolve the source of endogenous estrogen also and feature and found that 60% of the samples contain estrogenic chemical composition, of which 33% of the cup bottled water contain estrogen, and estrogen-containing plastic bottled water is as tall as 78%. Moreover, the water contained in cup flasks estrogen makeup fewer than the plastic bottled water. In addition, 2 kinds of composite packaged drinking water brands contain a lot of estrogen component.
five, do not give the child the adult cosmetics cosmetics
we adults have Many include hormone composition, whether used frequently to the children who ambition also lead to precocious puberty to happen. especially the productive women, but also to pay attention not to use cosmetics.
six, disburse care to the basic number of topical peel creams for outer use
handling of skin diseases creams contain hormones, especially more premonitory sense of effect, and immediately see the effects,beijing escort, it is presumable a lot of hormone levels, so it is to their children, or pregnant women, must pay special attention to this point .
7, adult products away from children
Some contraceptive pills, the baby must be placed out of reach of sight.

rhinoceros namely herbivores have ample competence apt withstand risks

Learning a good view of the seventh of others .
the ecological surroundings of the stock market a bit like the African grasslands , a great many investors are zebra, antelope , wildebeest and other herbivores , although few in addition to lust to eat outside , but constantly become Lions , cheetahs , crocodiles and other predators prey . These ferocious predators is the market of assorted public offering , representatives of personal institutional investors , they are all slinking approximately in the side ,you tin no dart waste anywhere, waiting for opportunities to swoop out. In appending , it Attached to a large number of intermediaries in this market to retain the action of the stock market , similar to the scavengers and micro-organisms , maintenance of ecological balance .
for ordinary investors, in mandate not to chance the pillage of others , or become favor the elephant, Hippopotamus ,beijing massage, rhinoceros namely herbivores have sufficient ability to withstand risks ; or to aggrandize the capabilities of flee - notwithstanding escaping , but predators , but to outperform other similar .
decision lies not merely in investment proceeds rose stage But likewise in the ebb phase of the operation. investment guru Warren Buffett believes that the first norm is to keep investment chief , the second standard is the premier in mind . the stock market in a large number of natural peddler, Buyer is always a feeble rank. the presence of insider merchants , it is a passive source of ordinary investors . In the final analysis , investors or the lack of effective investment approximate and a lack of investment in the success of the success of the investors persist to sum up The youngest
In 35-40 , the stock has more than 10 years old alternatively more, these 2 specifics it very interesting, and everything else, there are certain similarities. In additional words , these investors will be successful no by occurrence but because a long time The outcome of the collection of life experiences , apt narrate it should be said with mysterious wisdom namely more apt .
those vocational investors , and the 10 years of ups and downs in the stock market in the very behind , and the fast growth of assets . These human are the True master of the stock market . and embodied in them in common ,shenzhen massage, that is further ordinary people 's knowledge of literacy ,beijing escort, psychology , mutual sense and self-control , these terms alone can become vocational investors , and also fair The very small number of large shareholders .
Eastern asset via : top free software stocks (current research reported Daquan ) New Year blessings. antique shareholders,shenzhen escort, Liu Kaiwen judge the broader market this year .....

non-traditional environment. For example

Public participation is a basic conviction of environmental protection
Huang Wenfang
1 page [1]
current news medium attention, the environmental focus of the accident constantly become more than .2007 waves Xiamen PX project in years we have finally reached the end of the last days of a good outcome. in Chinese environmental history, this is a public participation on environmental protection, and positive interaction with the government fashioned a prestigious example.
In fact, in recent years, the Nu River dam stopped construction, Yuanmingyuan lake seepage project, the Songhua River pollution episode and the events algae in Taihu Lake, and either see the power of the public environmental protection.
driver of one of the major environmental NG0, the environmental non-governmental organizations, also from The initial environmental task workers, environmental advocates to the citizen environmental policy decision-making a significant impact above those changes, the environmental protection, who enjoy a nice environment. But ashore the other hand, the quality of life amend with the inner demand, the public have higher expectations of administration environmental protection. The rights and liabilities not so many environmental harm caused for many public sufferers, but also a manufacturer. monetary and tax polluters, they also played a tainting companies of the . also look the constraints of administration management of the environment.
current environmental location too requires new management strength. industrial pollution is still the main problem is the environment, yet with a large-scale industrial upgrading traditional industries, restructuring and geographical convey, environmental issues ambition also gradually from point source pollution apt point source pollution changes. Accordingly, the environmental treatment also began to pay more consideration to those small, decentralized, non-traditional environment. For example, automobile exhaust, light pollution, small noise source caused at individual action and the interference of others.
widely distributed large quantities of surface-point source pollution, to a decisive amplitude, led to the traditional point source pollution for the magisterial control of the mandate means failure, the government accordingly faced with environmental norm rising costs,beijing massage, management efficiency is complicated to vouch the problem. public environmental rights as the owner of maximum of the environmental pollution nigh a mention, they become an important force in environmental management will not doubt cost-effectively, and will effectively achieve the polluter supervision.
public participation in the basic principles of environmental protection in China, weak,guangzhou escort, tiny influence.
the restricted capability of government environmental protection, management limitations, environmental issues and the transformation of the individual representatives of the cheap class of public participation,shanghai escort, production a great digit of appearing environmental issues of care, the birth of the Chinese The emergence of environmental NGO; the same period, post-industrial era to meet person development absences, but also to serve as a bridge among government and citizens, as environment speaker for the disadvantaged teams.
contradictions in the social environment of the br> From an international point of outlook, since the 90s of last centenary, environmental NGO the scale of development, the role of environmental protection areas and the affect of consecutive improvement in the impetus more quickly. such as the early establishment of organizations such as the World Conservation Union members around the globe more countries and become an important driver of world environmental protection.
important as the main body of international environmental law, they phoned because and the promotion of international environmental conventions and concerts signed and important compel in the entry into compel. For example,beijing massage, in 2007 battle for the Arctic WWF called for signing the related activities legalized and institutionalized into the compact of the rule of decree under the supervision of the state and is operating effectively. his whereabouts over the social and economy aspects of life, not merely to partake in environmental protection and retaining ecological poise, and active participation in environmental decision-making, in nature preservation, resource recycling, environmental training, in environmental monitoring, policy recommendations, international environmental cooperation has played one important character.
present in numerous developed countries, environmental NGO has become a social development can not be stable alternatively absence of power. is a rebuttal between the social environment of the the number of Chinese environmental NGO in China in population size and geographic range is not matched .2006 China Environment Federation and the development and growth, but still in a finite government, the concept of government service is continuously perforate to the daily environmental management, environmental NGO's provided an chance to grow and amplify.
I deem that the work in the present environment, the Government ought be entirely aware of the environmental NGO volunteer spirit and ecological values ​​of culture and non-power-oriented and non-interest-driven ecology, recognizing the deficit in the epoch of public merchandise tin mainly provide some environmental necessity and feasibility of public goods, through the relevant Security Mechanism, whom Results into a partnership to jointly subserve the environmental protection process.
example, the Government should improve the relevant legislation, reducing the access threshold for environmental NGO, and the establishment of community supervision and management. Meanwhile, the possible ways to implement public participation, through the environmental information, participation rights, decision-making, the establishment of a right of deed to ensure their forcible participation in the protection of the environment to give full melodrama to the spine of the environmental NGO environment.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

for they are apt their friends

Standard to find a girlfriend, a man Bukanhouhui life! Note!! Whenever those who peruse this post do not back this generation ambition not only remain a bachelor, and even must shoot my afterward life!
1, you are my premier male < br> 2, from after and hugged me to nap, I obediently curled into a pellet,in normal music, do not rotate to discern you
3, navel of the night and wake up because you crease
4, you fared me you dine that the good entities, and feel good
5, do not query you do not ambition me to understand anything
6, I believe each word you do not expose your lies
7, strive to meet you the surround of life and life
8, friendly to your friends, as they are to their friends
9, in front of your friends to encounter you face
10, keep act what you I do favor the work of
11, the hair long, not hot roll, do not let water consumers Mile hardened hair material
12, control of diet and exercise to keep appropriate in the slim and change Princess Taiping status
13, as your hooks,beijing massage, there is something to make you obtain rid of the habit of biting
14, pull to the square with you to beat soap bubbles
15, put away my wrong mood, his face obliterated away tears, when you see me laugh as many as feasible I will
16, in a radio point,
18, singing in the karaoke ok round and circular the chamber
21, lying on your stomach with you watching television
22, with a bath, to aid you dry
23, see ***, learn to be a solution style matron not been the innocent little girl
24, is love becomes a simple-minded little woman
25, for washing your clothing, principally socks
26, to help you clean all the shoes,shenzhen massage, No stuff what you need to wear a pair when they are clean
27, to accompany you to the vegetable market to buy edible
28, and commended you do eat the food
29, he educated to do with their dad gold knuckle of meat braised
30, to ensure the smooth flow of mobile call, you can always find me
31, told his mom, and your story, she has the right to know who put her daughter into a woman
32, and Hello, you are in the bathroom
33, well keep everything you gave me something
34, pp small books with a note of every of you sent me a txt information
35, voicelessly, etc. you come behind
36, not farewell friends
37, you are cheerful happy than you,shanghai massage, you melancholy sad than when you
38, sincerely trust namely everything you do is justified
39, according to laboratory shoot pair, made a pretty pamphlet, I too wear a marrying clothe
40, the Cubs would only have been on the mattress
41, introduced to all my friends Do you know
42, protect you from a mini aggrieved
43, apply for one of our mailbox, a lot of love letters written on the inside waiting for you to see
44, each year from family to see you
45 , pour coax you to take medication
46, secretly pull your clothes angle, to caution you to beverage less
47, when you never give up your suffering
48, forever ready to follow you superseded
49, promised to marry you, even if necessary roses and a ring (if there is one daytime)
50, by the period you do not love me quietly away
strongly recommended: where girls can done anyone of the on 10 then you marry her,shanghai escort, you are not erroneous
20 条 you want to marry her ah
30 条 Sipilailian have to wed her should marry
40 条 Pinlelaoming She
50 条 estimated that this girl is said to have been extinct
paradise there can no miss it (you do not mention this girl is marital her myself saw always your blessing

denoting namely ah

Today, April 22 , Earth Day is my birthday .
wish yourself a happy birthday ,toronto escort, ha ha , when variant Happy ,shanghai escort!
I have a twin old of twelve ,toronto asian escort, and now numerous people like the piglet child, I am also a Desktop Wallpaper come,preoccupied namely interesting, hey ,beijing escort!
this path , the crew saw a lot of marriage , indicating namely ah! Today namely a good daytime to come, ha !
coupled with the sun lustrous, a few lukewarm , though no flowers , whatsoever, have to wear pleasing dress but the loveliness of it !
hope , today, entire the people elated And elated !

nursing book

The end of today's luncheon , by the same table the repose of his friends BB Jun savory food to take to hand wrap with a linen on the backpack ,shenzhen massage, rotated down the waitress brought the plastic bag , rightly shows that environmental awareness and attitudes. admire,escorts toronto! < br> Many European supermarkets do no cater free shopping bags ,beijing massage, most purchasers are accustomed apt bring their own shopping bags apt the supermarket .
bookstore in Japan to provide a periodical bag while they buy books , and this sack 's size and Books will be sold equitable to protect the cover mantle , writing , nursing paperback,Door Figure May 1960 students. Hani, do either .
wish that we line with BB throne ,toronto escorts, adore our home , protect our planet !

taint compaction

Donald looks like a golf course grass, seemingly landscaping, in fact it namely the environment of the practices for environmental greening projects namely numerous eastern countries and districts apt the zones golf courses brought serious environmental and ecological pollution and risks. It namely understood Beijing's Chaoyang District, Haidian District and green belt is being built golf course. from from Hong Kong,preference singers, Japan and Thailand file show that golf negate clash above the surroundings are numerous, are: 1) for the construction of the stadium open, the need to shovel out a lot of weeds, shrubs and trees, planting a single import turf, which has greatly marred the local ecological role; 2) use of the turf course requires a considerable sum of water; 3) for the conservation of turf, you absence apt use a kind of chemicals, including herbicides,toronto escorts, insecticides, fungicides etc., but these drugs are often carcinogenic, teratogenic and environmental hormones, and the residual long period, it ambition occasion itself and the surrounding place golf course soil and water pollution; 4) As the turf of the narcotic use is much higher than ordinary farm the value of pesticides, golf courses, the circling farms would be affected, can no become a pollution-free edible cultivation areas; 5) is secondhand to turf fungicide opposition soil bacteria, soil would deteriorate, soil compaction, soil preservation is not favorable to water maintenance. Environment Agency of Japan likewise base that: golf courses use herbicides and organophosphate pesticides aboard thyroid hormones and genital hormones have a significant impact. in the use of herbicides and pesticides in these areas, the phenomenon of evolution found in frogs. greenbelt approximately Beijing should be the construction of more natural plant recovery area, which is to reinstate the maximum present worldwide scientific practices in peri-urban nature, and spend fewer, obtain the environmental and ecological merit, stand the test of international criteria for environmental science, tin also become Beijing folk close to ecology, understanding original plant areas, to Beijing's insects, birds and other beasts inhabit the place. the livelihood of ecological equilibrium in these areas to control pests of the surrounding area will be advantageous. golf course, though the color looks Green, in fact, mini efficacy on improving the environment. pruned quite shallow grass on the absorption capacity of suspended particulate stuff in atmosphere is meager, so there is no apparent role in improving wind quality, and that grass can shade the soil not merely water,shanghai massage, merely ambition the fast evaporation of water. Therefore, should not blindly emulate the vogue, the golf course for a

establish a nightmare platform because their achievements

And PPC together with the lukewarm green hold the future of China commemorate our PPC
become the first campus in China Green Foundation Member!!! This is what each PPCER the glory and proud, yes, we have been moving ahead, We also took a big step toward the goal!
China Green Foundation (China Green Foundation) is based on the CPC Central Committee, State Council, March 1,shenzhen massage, 1984 In array to encounter our servant and international care greening, are willing to provide the wishes of those who donated, the establishment of the China Green Foundation, September 27, 1985 was proclaimed the first Council conference. is a citizen public foundation, registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the business unit in dictate of the State Forestry Administration. main job is to promote afforestation, livelihood of ecological poise, promoting human harmonious development with nature; statute raising, management, use green fund; to meet the wishes of the contributor and reasonable requirements; extensively mobilize the whole society to participate in forestry ecological protection and construction; to reinforce international exchanges and cooperation.
China Green Foundation is to raise private Green asset important union. played in the development of forestry in the main aisle to raise private funds the role of green; to muster the whole community comprised in forestry ecological construction and environmental protection activity an important character as a bridge; the same time, cooperation in the worldwide non-governmental green play assured role of diplomatic bonds of friendly commutes .2002, by the special consultative status with ECOSOC. enjoy the State Administration of Taxation of Corporate Income Tax taxpayers donated to the China Green Foundation, the exclusive policies.
Now,beijing massage, PPC China Green Foundation has become the first university members, will lead to respect life, adore of nature PPCER who, toward the Green China's ambitious goal, given their own strength, this strength of together, for we must let the world gift to the presence of glory!
PPC as a new compel that will naturally be the cause of China's green hereafter evolution of ecological protection inject new blood. but too reveals the social responsibility of each PPCER the bravery apt take the initiative, convinced that we will use full of passion and the morale of hard work to contribute to public welfare.
PPC we have no forgotten our commitment to their future, not merely the most affordable Western financial community, but will convert permanent, full of glorious history societies, full of energy and glory, constantly moving to the environmental protection and public welfare, establish a dream platform because their achievements, but also achievements of others! and PPC combine members of the China Green Foundation, the ranks of institutes and universities, it is an important tread in practicing nice However, the long skirmish of the future will be a small step in the journey, we are confident there is reason to believe that the future of the PPC, the PPC each of us will do better!
there is not await, let us act attach , and PPC similarities, little by little from the begin, the real take ashore social responsibility, green hold up China's future, and then go beyond!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tianjin television agenda director

Zhenshuiwuxiang -

Coastal Times literary complement Rui :

Appendix : Final song -

introduction lecture : , Contains a profound theme . focuses no merely ashore people survival and evolution,toronto escort, but social progress and alteration. Literature is the first human learn, the adore of life and social obligation of the literati . This is the spring 12 hairpin .

Appendix : Preliminary story - - p> Jia Yi :
Tianjin People's Radio Station Music Radio show host understood
influential crowd over the years by a crowd of attention and love .

verdict : If the water claim to do so without odor , which others chaos soy soup. steadfast goal migrated on in life and a pen and ink .

Points : 75
face one experience so rich people, of very difficult apt control .

Character building is apparently affected by the Qiong Yao grandmother , love the hero to face the choices appear very

Zhenshuiwuxiang . player voice is quite unique, this feature has diluted the anthem itself,toronto asian escort, the mood , look the entire Relatively dim songs . echoes recorded songs too . (70)

whales , critics,in China, Tianjin TV program director
fourth player Zhenshuiwuxiang . a better sense of tempo , but the sound is too small, could not aid emotion the song .

Organizing Committee rewards the word


author - Zhaizhu :

text of the Competition, and the scoring

the world's leadership massive enterprises constantly convert the target they attacked.

Learn how to properly handle with non-governmental organizations, will become the company's future a compulsory homework.
them, you will find two topics of common interest have a lot.
2. For those who favor apt carry out supervision on the business NGO, not hostile. Even in the face of the world's maximum demanding NGO unions, there are still clever companies can do with their points because their own image.
3. When the enterprise sections in order to look in in a NGO as a associate organization, try the channels through the Foundation. Those operations adult Foundation can find a expensive segments of the NGO in each organization.
4. Do not want to do NGO as Consulting, providing issue-specific pack of solutions. NGO can help you, is to ensure that the enterprise sustainable development in the right direction.
5. Do not be all things to push cooperation to the NGO, and then turning a blind eye. any of a successful CSR projects require enterprises to truly get involved, and no NGO than the enterprise their demand for a better understanding of their own.
6.NGO of enterprises feel hope. They absence companies to communicate with their attitude of equality, hope and enterprises to long-term and settled cooperative relationship. try to win from both sides point of outlook to quest cooperation opportunities, which behalf both sides.
7. the two sides try to be as resource sharing and co-pay.'d better working on a small scale extension project, and then gradually moving towards the core business of long-term cooperation.
8. Some of the hands of a more international NGO resources, and some NGO specializes in design projects, and some NGO's strengths is to do consulting. to understand the different specifics of NGO's, enterprises and their cooperation to targeted.
9. Supply Chain the sustainable development of almost all environmental NGO is currently a heading of care are, administer their supply chains for enterprises to conquer will not only points on the image, it is operating on the real benefits.
10. For businesses, NGO not just cooperation should be agreeable to share the vision and enterprise mm to share strategies, share business which need help, try to use different features of the different NGO to help you improve the strategy.
12. Not only is equivalent to reduce the number of low-carbon energy strategy, not just donations to schools in the public amuse, copy the template does not excellent. with the NGO collaboration with the corporate strategy to build an extension out of the CSR, this is the real success.
NGO to change the world all of their
Enterprises should be conscious of the past, holding a banner in protest against the penetrated will of the NGO who is all-round effects and changing the world.
thought that he is defeated, this time: two months ago, when Greenpeace volunteers wore as the red ape, holding that read, Nestle Kit Kat Chocolate apply the advertising slogan but this is a group of NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations, this refers to the non-governmental non-profit organizations) just dissimilar show.
known as the largest financial groups in Indonesia, Sinar Mas Group, the world's largest personal palm plantations, AFP is the world's second-largest corporate producer of palm oil, palm oil products, a virtual monopoly on the all upper approaches of the world. to the personality of monster palm oil industry, Indonesia's Sinar Mas Group to ignore the statutes of any company shall not be in the tropical rain forest areas preoccupy more than 200,000 hectares of forest regulations to control the piecemeal reach 2.8 million hectares of palm oil plantations. At the same time, they can do to Indonesia's Sinar Mas Group, the Government will collect testify of the destruction of tropical rain forests of volunteers to busy in an open letter to Nestle, condemned the destruction of large areas of Sinar Mas Group, the tropical rain forest, the palm plantations of tropical rain forests and peat lands to the expansion of the red apes endangered category occupying the habitat .5 17, Nestle, the official made the statement that global no longer in use led to the destruction of tropical rain forest products, as Greenpeace calls for a reaction.
Not only that, Greenpeace continued below oppression in December 2009, the world's second largest palm Oil expense also announced the termination of the company Unilever and the Sinar Mas Group of palm oil worth $ 30,000,000 contract. Subsequently, the food giant Kraft Group announced earlier this year to abort the contract with the Sinar Mas Group. oil giants Shell and British supermarket chain also has Sainsburyrs that are no longer purchasing palm oil from the Sinar Mas Group.
As a long-term industry oligopoly in the domestic hoodwink, Sinar Mas Group is bound to re-assess the NGO in the global business ecosystem, the enormous influence, and for the NGO concerned, that they were mission only.
compel to be reckoned
was said that in the Copenhagen meeting, the heads of most value watching is not a political show, compared with their helplessness, NGO the enthusiasm is much more straight. Copenhagen, but all of the government negotiators more than 1 million, meantime more than 20,000 NGO representatives. NGO in the international community tried to residence climate issues critical moment, make their voices listened, to affect the results.
NGO the enthusiasm is justified. history because they changed a lot of critical time: the crisis on international action in Rwanda is in the United States, France, the UK's international non-governmental humanitarian organizations to lobby governments to exert pressure above taken; Nepalese stranded Allen Creek II project is also deserving to the local NGO lobbying led to the restriction of funds results. NGO is the most powerful force, they will also be able to lever the government decision-making between the action and even international organizations, government intersectoral action and put pressure on government decision-making and influence. Even aggravate, the Philippine government in 1991 through the to the position of closet members.
the political impact of NGO operations is a goal of many, but not cozy to achieve.
Today, they are more on the way business and economic dialogue with industry and enterprises, ratified by way of corporate communication and cooperation, NGO's ultimate mission for the completion of m to protect the environment or climate change and other international issues and make due efforts.
WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and other agencies to fire The FSC forest certification has become the global forestry market, the formation of barriers to trade: EU rules, there is no access to FSC woods certification of foreign enterprises will not enjoy tariff preferences the EU. In order to promote the FSC forest certification, the EU introduced a FSC name, you can take a considerable proportion of the customs tax discounts apply.
affected, from 2001 -2009, the almost two million hectares of forest area was adopted by the certification. In China, the option of the certification number of enterprises additional from the initial 7 to 1000, even the 2008 Beijing Olympic venues all wood flooring and gates through the certification, in order to support the concept of Green Olympics.
NGO to promote the industry-standard results It not only affect one company, but by a few leadership companies as an example, affecting the entire industry or even industry, then worked out at national level to promote more sustainable development policies favorable to business.
This is the NGO that mm want to see the social order, the environment and because of their standard business rules change. distant more than that, the corporate social responsibility can not flee today, NGO to change their own business models, rational and even strategic implications are extremely far-reaching . For example, the topic of sweatshops. This is a topic of long plagued many multinational companies, Coca Cola, GAP, Wal-Mart, Nike and many other international giants have had such an experience. This time it was the apple.
Like many American companies, Apple's manufacturing operations are located overseas, including mainland China, Taiwan, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, .2006, criticized Apple's iPhone, on behalf of the needy working conditions at Foxconn factories. Apple is also found through the inquiry problems, and promised corrections. In Malaysia, Apple and other three companies and other non-governmental organizations and trade unions jointly launched a pilot project, hoping to help improve both Malaysia plant management on the level of foreign compact laborers, including provide workers with rights associated with the lawful and cultural guidance and teaching. Apple said the company will learn from the experience of the promotion to all suppliers and will continue to review the suppliers, for reiterated violations of the enterprise, Apple will not and then to work with. In fact, this is not just the culling of business models, for many suppliers, this may be a vital topic. If Apple can not do the standard, whether it is knocked out, they are probably a problem of survival .
NGO in China is complicated
specific research NGO in China where the history began. But in recent years, China and the NGO's development seems to have a word associated to: Disaster In 1998 the Chinese NGO's Age of Enlightenment, ; torrent relief private enterprises, the celebration is a large donation was just the privilege of state-owned enterprises.
when the mediocre people the impression of non-governmental organizations, and most representative of Project Hope, large eyes, and the disaster on television, called on the public Red Cross Society of China donation of such semi-official bodies. so that when people speak almost NGO, had to explain specifically with a few words this is the abridgement of which .1998 flood reconstruction work after the lawful environmental protection and attention, making the NGO began to take hold in China.
more importantly, in the face too many flooding exposed environmental problems, the state policy level will be included in the Government attaches importance to environmental protection projects; to Liang Congjie, Yang Dongping, and other cultural scholars initiated the establishment of the promote environmental protection concepts. However, the country look, at that time the real work in a professional manner NGO also few.
6 years after in 2004, which is a NGO in China, had to jot the history of the year. which In the Indian Ocean tsunami brought large shock people and more the ultimate thinking. the face of increasingly prevalent normal disasters, NGO should be a government together appearance of the civilian power of love, become build up more than the consensus; the TV screen, the international NGO to carry out the humanitarian misadventure relief and reconstruction, but also bring inspiration for domestic insight.
a landmark accident, in this , with the growing NGO role growing, is on June 1, the State Council published the occasion. The Ordinance is more important, thus, all the NGO to establish their own not only the big beneficiaries of the international NGO, Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the more developed districts, more and more entrepreneurs to begin setting up the Foundation, and the expected clash of plan, more people nigh the country have enrolled NGO. Just Fund Management Regulations years, destined to convert the new event in Chinese history, a, Wenchuan earthquake, the Beijing Olympic Games to become the eternal memories lingering. more importantly, the centers of the Wenchuan earthquake in the bounty, lit the launch of the Chinese national liberalness Age . is this year, NGO conception deeply rooted in China, scale up NGO into the hasty lane of their own development.
earthquake relief to foreign NGO to fight together on one platform, but also to servant The NGO saw his gap. earthquake early, a Spanish NGO, only two or three individuals, and support the 15 million victims of the annual water projects; has more than 100 volunteers and a national NGO, only the service 20000 people have floundered.
an industry source commented: along an ardent NGO can not prop up the ideal, in order to make long-term development NGO organizations can and must be specialized and differentiated.
encountered while the CSR for the company, their earthquake in stimulating public warm at the same time,scientists from the people long- abandoned small bee, . In other words, companies too hope to use their own advantages, long-term benefits for stakeholders, not just simple donations.
Today, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has long term is not an icing on the cake In fact, it is becoming competitive enterprises to establish their essence factors. without regard to the number of enterprises in performing their social responsibilities, so long as to see how companies are to achieve their social responsibilities, you will find in this area , business and professional NGO co-operation between also many.
example, in mature markets, whether it is biotechnology, medical innovation, food security, or education, scientific research and other fields, most people life is hard not to with the NGO adjoin occurs, numerous large and small NGO and foundations are all appearances of the world. In AIDS, the global scientific research on AIDS, most of the Gates Foundation has been funding and other funds; new technology in agricultural research, the Rockefeller Foundation has been silently support; even in racial equality, obstruction of nuclear proliferation, improve child nourishment and other issues can see the NGO presence.
in the United States, the total number of legally registered NGO has over 2 million, total funding more than 500 billion U.S. dollars, 900 million to determination employment issues. a large number of NGO widely athletic in charitable, educational, cultural, artistic, environmental and other fields, NGO in the total disburse share of GDP has reached 7.5%. there are file show that in 2008, the U.S. nonprofit sector donation to 307.65 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 2.2% of GDP, the United States, accounting for U.S. allied government costing that year the proportion of 10%. In other words, do not consider the government social welfare spending and other sectors social spending, then there is the United States single accounted for civil GDP2.2%, 10% of expenditure of social chief into social assistance. While in China, charity donation in 2007 accounted for 0.09% of GDP in 2008, accounting for 0.27% of GDP Even the outbreak of the National Charity enthusiasm in 2008, this diagram compared with the U.S. market is still too far.
we have cause to deem, NGO contribution to the economic of Chinese society ambition gradually mushroom. premise is the absence for us to understand the NGO and their task, and grant more people with their perform attach. This is why in adding to supervision, more choice and undertaking cooperation through NGO affect partners. For instance, McDonald's packaging in mandate to solve the problem of pollution on the context, U.S. Environmental Conservation Foundation and the McDonald's adept had to work together to develop a better insulation,beijing massage, cache convenience and dwindle packaging tissue paper bleaching process is used to replace the previous higher levels of environmental pollution in plastic packaging. Tissue Packaging has been in use to the present, a large digit of McDonald's global cache reduces the value of pollution.
such a situation, China is also catching location. NGO and business with the government more of a complementary relationship, not only can help the implementation of CSR business strategies to help companies nail areas of sustainable development in their core competitiveness, but also the government on bills related to their reports in many cases can influence government decision-making. For businesses, the need to do is NGO learn the language and logic to communicate with them, understand them and help their sustainable development.
NGO arena
face color Banlan the NGO arena, take the initiative to understand and study how to deal with the NGO enterprises will win for their own future development opportunities.
facing business today is a chromatic NGO arena.
in this arena, there are accustomed to business Feng Qi's to promote environmental protection concepts, the preacher of the market; also good at design and implementation of projects were completed; also fashioned a foundation operating NGO; are rising build up grass-roots NGO; of course, relying on the official backdrop NGO team.
10 years antecedent, important element in competitiveness. Business and NGO had started to re-examine the relationship between the two sides: on the an hand, companies need a professional NGO to tell it more applicable way; on the other hand, NGO once leveraging the power of enterprise will not mistrust away from their final goal closer. an NGO know how to deal with professional companies, must be able to win tomorrow's market delivery opportunities.
So, NGO is a group of what kind of human? their world what is a kinds of scenes? they are meditative, what to do, with what variety of identity? how they adhere to and during the pursuit?
Indeed, as wave clouds shrewd deceitful as the business world, NGO's rivers and lakes as wealthy and unlike . However, whether it is actively running, or around cooperation, these have different goals and values ​​of the NGO has an ultimate purpose of leveraging mm hope to promote greater energy business his profession. For businesses, regardless NGO the mask, all are there with them the possibility of cooperation in different ways.
sharks and dolphins
1971, 12 young people take the signs perusing to An Qika Island (Amchitka), try to stop U.S. nuclear tests conducted there, they even intended to thump up 4 trucks transporting nuclear test matters to express their fixed stance opposition nuclear testing.
in Europe , Iceland and other countries to stop whaling in the Atlantic Ocean, Greenpeace also use donated asset to purchase a used trawler ship, labeled .
in that the Beatles swept the world, young people, mad cult mow. Guevara, that environmental protection means that a non-cooperative outlook of the epoch of consistent protest Greenpeace lone warrior image to fascinate a large number of maverick supporters. Since then, Greenpeace, is destined to become more like sharks in the group of NGO kin.
in the NGO world, Greenpeace can mention is the most outstanding one NGO sharks. As funding sources rely on public donations to make this a high-profile organizations inevitably work route. if for low-carbon economy, promote, or against to GM, where they sound nowadays almost all of the hot areas of public concern. relating to the The Nature Conservancy (hereinafter referred to as the TNC) that take the professional path NGO, Greenpeace is not good at doing the calm segments of the environmental protection and technological research, so And because of this, the world's guiding large enterprises constantly become the target they attacked.
in this shark-based NGO gaze, CSR is no longer optional choice of enterprise, and to become directly related to the mark corporate image and even the long-term development strategy. With the deepening of corporate globalization in the field of social responsibility, demand speed up. Today's enterprises have to do is to assure not only their own products and low-carbon and environmentally sound product wheel as possible , supplier management is also decisive. Once a morsel negligent, it will become the target sharks NGO objection, applause or blame so that the mark image continuously.
passage of time, despite Greenpeace today and had long been the builder of the radical parted ways, and gradually relinquished the practice of some of its extreme and paranoid character, began to accept a more rational way to melodrama their own influence, but it is still aggressive personality can not expunge the gene.
and sharks is a modest corresponding dolphins. If sharks NGO NGO characterizing the early development of a prevalent idealism and mythological, then the dolphin species represents the proclivity of NGO in a cooperative means to promote corporate social progress and environmental improvement in the practical classes NGO Group family.
in the March 28 on the internet, for and the world in season with the lights, take concrete actions to partake in has more than 2.2 million families and businesses close for an hour lamp and device. ex post statistics, turn off the lights for one hour of electricity saved for 20 million TV sets in 1 hour, 50,000 vehicles to escape 1 hour. more people involved reflect the stars that night to see several times more than usual.
just a year's time, this event fast with amazing speed sweeping the globe .2008 March 29, with 35 countries Up to 50 million people to participate, . with respect to those who criticize their corporate havoc of the environment, pointing the snout of sharks NGO, WWF NGO that dolphins level and business goals is more hope of finding the same opportunities to achieve win-win location. Dolphin level NGO always among the context of the problem can be solved looking for cooperation and careful to mallet to their own borders. They have no strength to find mistake with the interior operations of enterprises, while through their own expertise to help companies amplify the CSR vision.
the eyes of the Dolphin class NGO, cooperation is the best means to achieve their own ambitions. such as cooperation with companies and strengthen the influence of the enterprise, to promote solutions to enterprises to achieve their goals; the other hand, enterprises can cooperate with these NGO's to better corporate social responsibility, and improving the glory and image and win more market. At the same time, enterprises can answer to the needs of internal employees, increase worker sense of involvement and sense of belonging and increase their internal cohesion, and even enterprises are probable to help NGO platform, to improve narrations with the government hh
to WWF, for example, in the access of cooperation with enterprises, they are more inclined to create industry standards to adviser companies to a cheap carbon and sustainable direction. For example, as in the immediate noodles , cosmetics and other productions are widely used in palm fuel, only a few tropical countries in the earth can grow. Owing to the colossal market demand, large zones of rainforest to plant palm trees to be felled, causing detrimental effects to the ecological environment. WWF is committed to enhance the sustainable development of palm oil products, appraisal, certified to the cultivation and development of more rational, to accomplish the intention of defending the environment.
paradigm shift in our market. to achieve higher environmental standards required by the voluntary type, and achieve lofty standards through innovation, companies can see the long-term economy and social benefits. At that time, those who adhere to the orthodox development prototype of the business will be attracted to the new the road to sustainable development. So, while the WWF does not want the shark action organization so drastic, but the efficacy is the same.
from the business point of view, and these dolphins NGO cooperation, will own a greater share initiative. equal partnerships, enable enterprises to CSR in the way of innovation and its absorption of more fresh nutrients, and actively participate in such organizations to promote industry standards. For the enterprise, regardless of their products to increase competitiveness and help enterprises to acquire export or trade qualifications, are extremely attractive.
preacher and local cast, there was
creeks and lakes, rivers and lakes where there namely leap to take the microphone and ultimately, folk.
before and later the Copenhagen appointment in 2009, Wu Changhua, president of Greater China, attended the air nearly always proficient to heed, and on low-carbon economy, meeting or bbs to sermonize a low carbon economy. And in the past 3 annuals, Changhua Wu and her crew many Chinese enterprises to provide low-carbon solutions. that is, NGO and medium power of such mutual exertions, the end of 2009, the emergence of a low carbon economy and fashionable stamina rumble.
said to enter China from 2007 to the present, low-carbon economy is so peppery, the climate organization so that more people adopted the concept. > In the low-carbon economy in the context of a global boom, scale up enterprises begin to energy maintenance as chapter of corporate strategy, NGO and business in low-carbon also scale up areas of cooperation. and to join this carbon boom, and naturally not only the Climate Group, the overwhelming energy and environmental companies, and advertising and the rise of assorted projects, has proven this point.
Wu Changhua, however, said her goal is to may be close, which is enough to make the government meditation tank, the goal Wu Changhua ran to. The Climate Group would like to take this detecting in the field of climate change and enterprise, and even room for cooperation with the Government.
Climate Group to do next is, more choices and local governments to promote the economy of the industrial building change. such as local economic development strategy is National Climate Group will be to identify the city leading to help them examine successful cases, the international experience and resources come together, designed to meet the characteristics of the city's sustainable economic development, industry, the city's industrial framework, not only in the context of a competitive country in the world have distinctive characteristics, . committed to influence government and other high-end resources to promote their own careers. relative to the implementation of specific projects, they are more proficient at the use to become rich experience in international business or government think-tank.
time for those who are not good by carrying out publicity CSR of the enterprises, NGO-type sermons are potential business partners mm CSR projects are doing, you can use these NGO platform leveraging more government resources and public attention; In addition, good planning and counsel can also help NGO enterprises to devise a singular CSR projects.
, of course, take the microphone NGO are few. In addition to act preacher, more NGO is to help enterprises focus on the implementation of characteristic projects to do. a cloud of experience will qualify them to professionally corporate social liability programs and corporate long-term strategies, and pointed out what the best solution; the same time, lusty project execution capabilities so that they can together with the enterprise to appliance CSR projects, cooperation in the face to face,toronto escorts, and amend the sustainable strategy .
example, in the conservation of biological diversity, with vast experience in the field of TNC, with the conservation of biological variety in the decades of experience, the United World Commission on Dams, the U.S. Corps of Engineers Association and other international organizations to cooperate with the China Three Gorges Corporation so that the ecological impact of dike construction and environmental factors into account, a group of green building dams, reinstate and maintain the global ecological environment matchless to the Yangtze River.
to the NGO players to emerge in most of them have decades of history, they are more areas in the subdivision accumulation of many years of experience, with the majority of enterprises do not have the expertise. in the concept of green and full of low-carbon around us today, many companies are not bound in their own familiar environment and before the decrement something in season. The NGO is known for the implementation of the largest corporate wealth; also for those who have a strong afford chain companies, and such exercising and management of NGO cooperation is an wonderful opportunity to own the supply chain.
NGO organizers
in the NGO in the world, antagonism the differ types of NGO, yet the vast majority are more or less the growth of NGO's and a relationship with a special NGO NGO mm patronize the growth of the Foundation.
NGO Foundation and the growing relationship between the transfusion and the recipient lesser. NGO Foundation is to organize the power of the feeble; in public donations, the Foundation or NGO are the most important financing outlets. Interestingly, when some NGO support in the development and expansion of the Foundation, after they themselves would rotate support small NGO, NGO in order to retain the healthy functioning of ecosystems.
example, the world's largest environmental NGO organizations a, TNC in the early stages of development had to rely on the support of the Ford Foundation, and then used to purchase Greenpeace restrictions, ...