Sunday, June 5, 2011

the cardinal planting eucalyptus

In recent years, along with economic development, China's surge in claim for periodical; the same period,beijing escort, the Chinese paper manufacture also requested the emission energy, reducing the proportion of straw pulp serious pollution. Thus, it becomes integrated pulp and periodical country's strategic choice, from a massive paper mill pulp mill to create a colossal pretended rapid growing forest, and forest management, logging, pulp, paper and sales mingle into a virtuous cycle of industrial chain. for the development of integrated pulp and paper manufacture The 1st workshop, on how scientific development of plantations, environmental protection, efficient use of limited land resources has become a plantation manufacture development in the focus of attention.
citizen industrial policy that integrated pulp and paper countries via scientific planning and reasonable delivery of the Strategic Action scientific development in the sterile mounds and wasteland artificial pulp and paper forestry, to better protect normal forests and other ecological forest. reform and opening up 30 years of unprecedented economic and social development of China's development, the state forestry provide more funds to strengthen management of forest science matured time work. In fully appliance the Party parliament, forestry guidance of scientific notion of development, and promote the development of forest management. APP (China), as China's integrated pulp and paper companies, in compliance with national statutes and local policy environment, according to the scientific development of national policy guidelines for plantation projects, uphold the ecological forest and intensive management, and actively develop modern forestry. in promoting the ecological, economic, social balanced development, and approached initial expectations.
cultivate product efficiency in order to better protect the ecological environment. , so that savings in a decisive area of ​​land to effect both the conservation of biological diversity conservation merely also to amplify a win-win objective. In Brazil, nevertheless the implementation of the privatization of land. But the state regulations, the total area of ​​plantation pedestal in half planted forest, and half for biodiversity conservation. Therefore, to enhance the yield per unit area, retention the land, biodiversity conservation can be achieved.
from the perspective of sustainable evolution, technological evolution projects ambition be facing plantation treatment and monitor the environmental clash of woods plantation and protection of biological variety. November 2007, APP Forestry Division, Department of Environmental Protection launched electronic specimen bank project, which covers a range of Hainan Jinhua Forestry Co.,shanghai escort, Ltd. Management Area 8 Eucalyptus and Acacia mangium below the vegetation. at monitoring the eucalyptus factory specimens covered arbor, shrub and understory floor, herbaceous layer, vine, creeping vines, ferns, fungi, lichen and additional seven categories of the species, the scientific development because the APP plantation, conservation of ecological diversity provides the basic file. During, APP (China) Forest Service together with the Guangzhou Institute of Tropical Forestry in mandate to better comprehend their plantations above the surrounding environment, the water level and water quality, while the afforestation rigid control of the process of the use of fertilizers and chemicals to ensure aggrandize productivity and minimize environmental impacts between the two can have a reasonable poise.
APP China Forestry forest management and annual operations, have stressed that to maximize the protection of ecology,beijing massage, and to develop a set of scientific forestry processes,beijing escort, and strict enforcement. APP is immediately on the fashionable afforestation ought be carried out scientific arranging and devise, to retain the Peak, the mountain, ravines with native vegetation, set alongside by the foot of the conversion district 10 meters broad, and according to local conditions reasonably practical layout tree species, but to condense on the plantations, maintaining the diversity of forest species, highest early in the planting soil and water conservation.
in soil arrangement, planting, attention schooling process, APP also provides jobs to mountains along the outlines, the implementation of band action, thus shortening the slope, the line width of the ladder of the same makeup, so namely they form a layer of the runoff will be blocking layer namely weakened, mainly curb taint erosion.
in other areas, APP also strengthened the management. For sample, they deter cutting firewood in the forest to minimize the scalding and logging use while leaves and the return of forest bark to amplify soil organic matter and nutrients; stressed eucalyptus planting density should be rational, no also near; focus on save understory vegetation, tree, shrub and grass ecosystem; enhance eucalyptus and acacia, West Nan Hua and other species miscellaneous to create, to maintain nice forest ecosystems.
In increase, APP is also according to regional soil hydrology, elect the fitting planting of regional tree species. Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong as their cardinal cultivation camaldulensis, Eucalyptus exserta, Eucalyptus tereticornis lemon eucalyptus and other hi rainy eucalyptus, the chief cultivation in Guangxi Meranti, Eucalyptus urophylla, Yunnan of more droughts, the cardinal planting eucalyptus, blue gum and other hi straight dry dry eucalyptus.
2008 年 6 月 27 日, APP also Hainan to make to preserve ecological balance hh athletic plantation and biodiversity research, exploration, practice development and biodiversity conservation plantation in Perfect Harmony.

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