Sunday, June 5, 2011

mention unreasonable

Civet cat: I'm innocent!
Guo Geng
1, confession
I shrieked civet cats, by definition, love to eat the fruit of the bandicoots. Due to face with white stripes, and also known as flower bandicoots. We live many mounds in the forest, shrub. nocturnal, arboreal, to hole for hole, and ate fruit, of special note, love to eat hickory, kiwi, etc., and eat rodents, amphibians, birds and insects, do not look omnivorous, in fact, We are a class of animals, civet. The most rare is the civet animal found in the south branch, in the north, especially in Beijing to only our lonely one: Qin Puerto kinds of civets. You listen the name of child We counted the north tunnel to help it.
2, originally
recently, had not seen a human SARS virus outbreak in over 30 countries, therapeutic workers found that the 1st few cases arose in China in the preferable Game of Guangdong, and several patients ahead the increase of an animal seller or did game cook. Further, on the 10 managers of the medical checkup of wild animals, found that as much as half of them were positive for SARS virus antibodies. More alarming news is Shenzhen and Hong Kong coupler research scientists, 8 species, 25 animals,shanghai escort, after testing examples, isolated the human SARS virus very similar, especially our body civet virus,shanghai massage, SARS and human personality as many as 99% the. Thus, the human uproar, like that annoy the culprit as the SARS locked on me, of way, also lists several additional animals, in mandate not to make them undergo, I meditation, or not to mention their labels. see , we, especially civet cats had to be apocalyptic.
3, plead
paradise has eyes! whether we carry the virus, had no human stakeholders. We do not live in the city, and people do not love company. We are nativity timid, telling anyone to hide, telling anyone to run, but, male I caught fleet, see me hit. We human beings have always been taken to avoid the policy, but from another perspective, we hide the result is to protect the human person. After all, as animals, be subjected wilderness, there will be a lot of my body parasitic pathogens, due to strong immunity, we, as host, has long been evenly matched with the formation of the balance between the virus,beijing massage, many viruses outbreaks in animals is not, as in the green monkey AIDS virus, Hendra virus in flying fox; reasoning, we, as viruses, microorganisms host, is to help people trained. at the peak of human beings rotate away from us, then no the risk of infection, I would agree that the human sentence the outlay of state statutes, like the terrorists kill us wildly,beijing massage, but you know what? When the closing date of our life is our body's virus, bacteria began to shift the time of slaughter animals, we humans, we naturally become looking for a new host the virus, only themselves to blame Yeah!
4, who is by mistake?
15 century, while Spanish settlers came to America, not only to Europe to bring the regional indigenous people of smallpox, to a massive number of deaths, Furthermore, the colonists also infected with syphilis so from South America, to Europe and around the earth, who is at fault? Is offense up in South America, indigenous?
African green monkey AIDS is considered to be the native host, but not for human intrusion the forest, eating monkey flesh, why would only the green monkey infected with the virus only, not the inexpensive deceive you! similar samples teem.
Today, people are locked into the culprit SARS civet cats in our body, we push bother anyone? Why do not you find the real culprit - the operators of wild animals, eating animals, gluttonous persons, murder in the killing really necessary? say unreasonable, are killing innocent persons, killed down crime? frequently heterogeneous anger, bullying the weak, the performance is weak and despicable, and not a human doing.
we civet cat is innocent, your euthanasia now!
Finally, the virus let me Tell people, he said: people do not make me, I will not prisoners, but if we are bombarded, we will naturally counterattack! The reason is simple, begin with the mouth, the human mouth as long as the control self, it will not backfire, Dr. Disease drinks, you self-love it!
civet cats afterward also Shashui?
Guo Geng
memorize Monkey, I am running side to retention endangered monkeys, monkey do Monkey said TV agenda or primate lectures, when animal mascots for the Beijing Olympic Games Selection (elk? Beijing bar? Beijing Duck?) to jot articles, suddenly, came the melancholy newspaper to Guangdong: to prevent SARS spread, to cripple the existing civet cats. Hearing this, shocked! Many people said in startle, just as the fascist collective massacres, the civet cat is the crime? stronger than anything another do not eat animals, kill home doing? media are in one uproar, the website called: ten thousand hh Gourmet Kitchen open, view, Justice has come sooner or later must get that problem. This time, if it is confirmed that civet cat SARS virus carriers, it is more validation of the disease from the mouth, the patient is the result of eating game that led to this uncomplicated conclusion. Therefore, we should vigorously remediation are those game operators, gluttonous, and not the victim mm civet cats. Even if you eat it because of civet cats and disease, its body was transferred to you, the liability is not in it because , it is not intentional. It should be said, is ill-intentioned people who eat game, knowingly, not only themselves to blame, but also affects the entire society, which should be severely punished .15 century, when Spanish settlers came to America, not only brought smallpox to the European local indigenous people, to a large number of deaths, and that these colonizers also infected with syphilis from South America, to Europe and around the world, who is at fault? Is crime in the South American indigenous it? African green monkeys or chimpanzees are considered AIDS original host, but not for human encroachment of forest, eating monkey meat, how can people infected with the virus in it's own, is not cheap trick you! similar examples abound.
Now, I'll advert civet cats: civet cats, by definition, adore apt dine the fruit of the bandicoots. along side with pearly stripes, and likewise understood for flower bandicoots. routinely live in more than hills of jungle, bush. nocturnal, arboreal, the chasm because aperture, and ate fruit, In particular favorite Prunus davidiana, kiwi, etc., and eat rodents, amphibians, birds and insects, do no look are omnivorous, in truth, belongs to a level of animals, civet. The maximum rare namely the civet beast found in the south branch, in the north , primarily in Beijing, the civet civet cat namely the merely Division animals, civet cats Qin Puerto species.
this time, innocent of civet cats to apocalyptic. to Heaven has eyes! regardless of if you will be carrying the virus, originally and the Department of Human is not dry. people neither live in the metropolis, not love and who love the enterprise. naturally shy, narrating anyone to conceal, telling anyone to flee, however, to grab the human fleet, saw the kick, see the eat. civet cats to humans, has forever been to shirk the plan, but from dissimilar perspective, the outcome is to protect the people hiding people. After entire, as animals, be subjected wilderness, there will be a lot of parasitic pathogens, as mighty immunity,afterward the suggestion stage, as host, has long been evenly matched with the formation of the balance between the virus, many of the virus in animals is not broke, such as the green monkey AIDS virus, Hendra virus in flying fox; causing, animals As a virus, microorganism hosts, is to aid people trained. at all times human creatures to animals kept at a distance, then not danger of infection, I would coincide with the sentence I am! transfer when the slaughter of human animals, we naturally convert a virus looking for a new host, only themselves to reprove Yeah!
Today, people are once anew locked to the SARS offender civet cats who had bad luck, people perturb anyone? Why not to find the real culprit - the workers of savage animals, eating animals, gluttonous persons, assassinate in the killing really required? say unreasonable, do not murderers not criminal, guilty of killed you down?
lightly Shoot the foreigners, bullying the languid, the rendition is languid and cowardly, the explosion of the Black Death of medieval Europe, the British had vent their inflame on the dog, see dog to kill, and afterward testified to be wrong, is acquiring a face only. There is a mentioning replacement Prince solemn violation of the life sciences in violation of ethics, even incompatible with international accustomed mm inquire, which nation due to the spread of AIDS or green monkey massacre of a chimpanzee? have namely nation because of likely scatter of rabies and wantonly kill a dog, for there may be Tox, B virus and wantonly killed the cat? whichever animal, including decisive types of people that animals are virus, bacteria may be host to a killed of do it? kill civet cats achieved, if the epidemic repetition, yet also kill who? your euthanasia now! civet cat is innocent animals are innocent. afterward, it is the truth: the disease from the mouth, the human jaws at all times the control self, you will not obtain scalded. Otherwise, the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu's poems to truly became a prophecy:

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