Sunday, June 5, 2011

mention unreasonable

Civet cat: I'm innocent!
Guo Geng
1, confession
I shrieked civet cats, by definition, love to eat the fruit of the bandicoots. Due to face with white stripes, and also known as flower bandicoots. We live many mounds in the forest, shrub. nocturnal, arboreal, to hole for hole, and ate fruit, of special note, love to eat hickory, kiwi, etc., and eat rodents, amphibians, birds and insects, do not look omnivorous, in fact, We are a class of animals, civet. The most rare is the civet animal found in the south branch, in the north, especially in Beijing to only our lonely one: Qin Puerto kinds of civets. You listen the name of child We counted the north tunnel to help it.
2, originally
recently, had not seen a human SARS virus outbreak in over 30 countries, therapeutic workers found that the 1st few cases arose in China in the preferable Game of Guangdong, and several patients ahead the increase of an animal seller or did game cook. Further, on the 10 managers of the medical checkup of wild animals, found that as much as half of them were positive for SARS virus antibodies. More alarming news is Shenzhen and Hong Kong coupler research scientists, 8 species, 25 animals,shanghai escort, after testing examples, isolated the human SARS virus very similar, especially our body civet virus,shanghai massage, SARS and human personality as many as 99% the. Thus, the human uproar, like that annoy the culprit as the SARS locked on me, of way, also lists several additional animals, in mandate not to make them undergo, I meditation, or not to mention their labels. see , we, especially civet cats had to be apocalyptic.
3, plead
paradise has eyes! whether we carry the virus, had no human stakeholders. We do not live in the city, and people do not love company. We are nativity timid, telling anyone to hide, telling anyone to run, but, male I caught fleet, see me hit. We human beings have always been taken to avoid the policy, but from another perspective, we hide the result is to protect the human person. After all, as animals, be subjected wilderness, there will be a lot of my body parasitic pathogens, due to strong immunity, we, as host, has long been evenly matched with the formation of the balance between the virus,beijing massage, many viruses outbreaks in animals is not, as in the green monkey AIDS virus, Hendra virus in flying fox; reasoning, we, as viruses, microorganisms host, is to help people trained. at the peak of human beings rotate away from us, then no the risk of infection, I would agree that the human sentence the outlay of state statutes, like the terrorists kill us wildly,beijing massage, but you know what? When the closing date of our life is our body's virus, bacteria began to shift the time of slaughter animals, we humans, we naturally become looking for a new host the virus, only themselves to blame Yeah!
4, who is by mistake?
15 century, while Spanish settlers came to America, not only to Europe to bring the regional indigenous people of smallpox, to a massive number of deaths, Furthermore, the colonists also infected with syphilis so from South America, to Europe and around the earth, who is at fault? Is offense up in South America, indigenous?
African green monkey AIDS is considered to be the native host, but not for human intrusion the forest, eating monkey flesh, why would only the green monkey infected with the virus only, not the inexpensive deceive you! similar samples teem.
Today, people are locked into the culprit SARS civet cats in our body, we push bother anyone? Why do not you find the real culprit - the operators of wild animals, eating animals, gluttonous persons, murder in the killing really necessary? say unreasonable, are killing innocent persons, killed down crime? frequently heterogeneous anger, bullying the weak, the performance is weak and despicable, and not a human doing.
we civet cat is innocent, your euthanasia now!
Finally, the virus let me Tell people, he said: people do not make me, I will not prisoners, but if we are bombarded, we will naturally counterattack! The reason is simple, begin with the mouth, the human mouth as long as the control self, it will not backfire, Dr. Disease drinks, you self-love it!
civet cats afterward also Shashui?
Guo Geng
memorize Monkey, I am running side to retention endangered monkeys, monkey do Monkey said TV agenda or primate lectures, when animal mascots for the Beijing Olympic Games Selection (elk? Beijing bar? Beijing Duck?) to jot articles, suddenly, came the melancholy newspaper to Guangdong: to prevent SARS spread, to cripple the existing civet cats. Hearing this, shocked! Many people said in startle, just as the fascist collective massacres, the civet cat is the crime? stronger than anything another do not eat animals, kill home doing? media are in one uproar, the website called: ten thousand hh Gourmet Kitchen open, view, Justice has come sooner or later must get that problem. This time, if it is confirmed that civet cat SARS virus carriers, it is more validation of the disease from the mouth, the patient is the result of eating game that led to this uncomplicated conclusion. Therefore, we should vigorously remediation are those game operators, gluttonous, and not the victim mm civet cats. Even if you eat it because of civet cats and disease, its body was transferred to you, the liability is not in it because , it is not intentional. It should be said, is ill-intentioned people who eat game, knowingly, not only themselves to blame, but also affects the entire society, which should be severely punished .15 century, when Spanish settlers came to America, not only brought smallpox to the European local indigenous people, to a large number of deaths, and that these colonizers also infected with syphilis from South America, to Europe and around the world, who is at fault? Is crime in the South American indigenous it? African green monkeys or chimpanzees are considered AIDS original host, but not for human encroachment of forest, eating monkey meat, how can people infected with the virus in it's own, is not cheap trick you! similar examples abound.
Now, I'll advert civet cats: civet cats, by definition, adore apt dine the fruit of the bandicoots. along side with pearly stripes, and likewise understood for flower bandicoots. routinely live in more than hills of jungle, bush. nocturnal, arboreal, the chasm because aperture, and ate fruit, In particular favorite Prunus davidiana, kiwi, etc., and eat rodents, amphibians, birds and insects, do no look are omnivorous, in truth, belongs to a level of animals, civet. The maximum rare namely the civet beast found in the south branch, in the north , primarily in Beijing, the civet civet cat namely the merely Division animals, civet cats Qin Puerto species.
this time, innocent of civet cats to apocalyptic. to Heaven has eyes! regardless of if you will be carrying the virus, originally and the Department of Human is not dry. people neither live in the metropolis, not love and who love the enterprise. naturally shy, narrating anyone to conceal, telling anyone to flee, however, to grab the human fleet, saw the kick, see the eat. civet cats to humans, has forever been to shirk the plan, but from dissimilar perspective, the outcome is to protect the people hiding people. After entire, as animals, be subjected wilderness, there will be a lot of parasitic pathogens, as mighty immunity,afterward the suggestion stage, as host, has long been evenly matched with the formation of the balance between the virus, many of the virus in animals is not broke, such as the green monkey AIDS virus, Hendra virus in flying fox; causing, animals As a virus, microorganism hosts, is to aid people trained. at all times human creatures to animals kept at a distance, then not danger of infection, I would coincide with the sentence I am! transfer when the slaughter of human animals, we naturally convert a virus looking for a new host, only themselves to reprove Yeah!
Today, people are once anew locked to the SARS offender civet cats who had bad luck, people perturb anyone? Why not to find the real culprit - the workers of savage animals, eating animals, gluttonous persons, assassinate in the killing really required? say unreasonable, do not murderers not criminal, guilty of killed you down?
lightly Shoot the foreigners, bullying the languid, the rendition is languid and cowardly, the explosion of the Black Death of medieval Europe, the British had vent their inflame on the dog, see dog to kill, and afterward testified to be wrong, is acquiring a face only. There is a mentioning replacement Prince solemn violation of the life sciences in violation of ethics, even incompatible with international accustomed mm inquire, which nation due to the spread of AIDS or green monkey massacre of a chimpanzee? have namely nation because of likely scatter of rabies and wantonly kill a dog, for there may be Tox, B virus and wantonly killed the cat? whichever animal, including decisive types of people that animals are virus, bacteria may be host to a killed of do it? kill civet cats achieved, if the epidemic repetition, yet also kill who? your euthanasia now! civet cat is innocent animals are innocent. afterward, it is the truth: the disease from the mouth, the human jaws at all times the control self, you will not obtain scalded. Otherwise, the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu's poems to truly became a prophecy:

front foot 5 toes

FOTO: Three North Institute
cat beast conservation at the national level ; endangered wildlife
Chinese: leopard
English : Leopard
Latin Literature Name : Panthera pardus
characterization of species identification the body fashion admission feature
tiger, yet obviously smaller ; first small tail width, short limbs and health ; cilia was yellow, covered with a dark ring speck ; front foot 5 toes , behind fewer than 4 toes, claws white , can be flexible . Distribution of the main Leopard Distribution in Asia ,beijing escort, Africa and the Arabian Peninsula .
Shanxi Province of the absolute land zone of ​​15 square kilometers, 60's leopard captured 1750 , the mean density of 1 / 86km2,usually known as the Little Mermaid,beijing escort, and 70 1224 the mean density of 1 leopard Only / 122.5km2, the mean density also decreased by 60% .80 's less hunting and wildlife maintenance schooling and publicity are not unrelated , but the leopard 's keen ebb in the number of natural populations is a fact .
Endangered Cause 1 The main reason is the long-term over- hounding . namely the panther injure cattle, on behalf of their bones with pelt alternatively bone , and accordingly was a lot of hunting ; 2 ,shanghai escort, habitat dispose is the leopard thespian reduction .3 Another important reason ,shanghai massage, population Too small and isolated from every other , resulting in populations of degradation, namely caused at one of the reasons

too known for Yuanyang Xi. namely China's 1st ecology keep duck.

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10, Eurasian Robin (Robin)
range: temperate Europe, northern birds winter south Winter moved to North Africa and the Middle East by the coast.
Habits: Dwelling in the merged and secondary plant, gardens and shady place. on the floor for either feet together bound, usually not fearful of life. habitat in the lower wait predator insects and worms , but the height issue of melody. grotto nest.
the birds based on scientific research, in the animal world, is one of the best birds match for life, but fewer people in China know.

6, also known as brutal geese geese geese
, is a species of swan. colossal migratory birds, waterfowl hunting is an momentous, but also rare namely people dream game, saying: Tian Erou how tough it is, how beauteous.
Dayan never live lonely, there will be a group of geese in the mini mysterious. one die, the other will perpetrate suicide or dies died.

2, black-necked swans
length of 99 cm, is also a rare bird, produced in Argentina and Chile in South USA, living in South America, will be carrying a chick swim. is the only kind of love concern cruising in their own Youqin Swan. In addition to their long feathers in the neck and shiny black feathers, the repose are white outdoor. In addition, the found is still long in the mouth with a huge, beautiful red sarcoma, which makes them not other swans and recondite as the holy, but more of a lukewarm and natural.

1, alias lawful mandarin duck mandarin duck
, are ducks, technological name is Aix galericulata.
small Youqin. total length of about 40 cm. male Toba colors bright, with a metalline honour. inhabit the mountain valleys, streams, Wei Tang, lakes, paddy fields, etc.. to plant-based foods, but also eat insects and other small animals. propagating season from 4 to 9 months, male and female pair after shook to nesting places. nests placed in tree apertures, with the fodder and plumes upholstery. 7 ~ 12 eggs per litter, light greenish yellow.
extra ducks in the northern Northeast, Inner Mongolia forgery; and southeastern provinces of Fujian, Guangdong winter; minority in Taiwan, Yunnan,】 【Picture Book guji guju ducks raised alligator, Guizhou, namely the dweller birds. Pingnan County, Fujian Province, there is a 11 km-long White Rock Creek, a flow of deep show, calm mountain sides in every thousand of ducks in the winter, likewise understood for Yuanyang Xi. namely China's 1st nature keep duck.
duck The most amusing feature is the and congratulated. legend, Fuji pair Mandarin is life.

4, Peony parrot
Name: Peony parrot (Agapornis fischeri) is also ; Peony parrot body length is generally about 15 cm, heaviness 40-50 grams. jaws ruddy, white eyes and wax membrane. head of black brown, red yellow neck orchestra. on the light green chest, behind and wings green, black pinion tip, tail green, gray feet. peony otherwise brown head parrot, which the head is dingy brown, usually known as brown-headed peonies. peony Wild parrots live in tropical jungle, often set large group of life in general breeding in tree holes in the nest. to a diversity of plant seeds,beijing massage, fruits and berries for food, in the south, the birds often abuse harvests and orchards in the bunch, disliked by regional peasants and steer them away. Because of this feather colors bright, often caught feeding, resulting in fewer and less wild number.

species of person creatures, in fact, animals are sentient species. The researchers base that numerous animals and humans have the same persona and sensibilities, fair like whales while in courtship with lovers named behind nature, love birds will not depart with a partner-shaped scenery, reside always, and most will reside together for life.

3, glazed glass macaw macaws
(Blue and Gold Maca)
very close to people and have a lofty degree of intelligence, studying and the aptitude to speak very nice mimic,beijing escort, because this feature, many people prefer keeping them as pets since childhood,beijing massage, on the other hand, their life is very long, can be accustomed as our life-long accompany.
form: the body back to blue color is golden yellow belly,beijing escort, forehead green spots. cheeks are white, yellow eyes, beak and feet are black, the female of the smaller. located in northern Panama to Paraguay. In some areas, they also quite general, usually paired groups live in forests, open fields, swamps or close water sources, like the palm tree holes in the nest.

5, crowned crane
forms: dark overcoat, with pearly wings, his head the golden crest, the label of the resulting cap crane.
habits: also man and female pairs of habitat or social life, 1 apt puberty, the male crane will be dance to obtain the like of the female crane. usually insects, fish and grains because a living.
crowned crane is out of the name

Do not just say

Rhododendron Rhododendron Juan-shaped head, ericaceous, there are some 60 category. azaleas are widely dispensed in the world, primarily in the Old World moderate and tropical districts. constantly live in the jungle and bush, quite timid. is often merely listened the sound, but no its fashion. We often based aboard their call to give their names.
cuckoo most striking feature is their eggs in other birds nest, to help it by other birds hatch. This variety of couple Acacia mouth bird, the scientific name Leiothrix
lutea, people have also been known as the Red-billed birds, Red-billed jade, Acacia and other colorful. In circumstance of ornithology in the classification of subjects thrush passerine flycatcher subfamily, there is a kind, called Acacia silver bird beak, habits and harvesting usages is alike. Leiothrix primarily in southern Asia, India and most parts of the hills and mountains. The feather color gorgeous, beautiful body, among the male and female birds, inseparable. sounds bright , especially the male, consonant sounds very good. the body length of 15 cm, the average life expectancy of about 10 annuals. the incipient habitat in the hilly areas of the broad-leaved forest, miscellaneous forest, bamboo forest, coniferous forest and bush, winter to the foot and other places of life, delight gregarious. been domesticated, the raise birds at home and abroad has become fashionable ornamental trap bird lovers.

9, magpie
characteristics: total length of about 45 cm long tail. feather roughly blue-black, but the elbow and navel is white, composed of another black and white fusion, song as noisy small animals and fruits as the main food.
ancient legend, there has been


Discovery Discovery Channel News Discovery Channel their perception and amuse at a cloud of the crowd. The anniversary persons. To celebrate the The potent animal. from the shark's behavior and diversity, to the peculiar experiences of run, apt lest shark attacks, the secluded,shanghai escort, we ambition assist the audience know the worst merely most often misunderstood ocean predators . as the In the provinces and municipalities nationwide twenty-six television > First broadcast special scrapbook venture stories to escape a shark attack; Finally, we will emulate the beast action adept 戴夫萨蒙尼 shark scientist Ryan Johnson and South Africa to New Guinea forward with the br> What is a shark dine shark eaters
said, the prerogative to a full set of armor from the motorcar will not let go. But the truth is, these big guys in the recipe is both complex and particular, and has to shut its numerous aspects significant impact - such as head and habitat and so on. Les Stroud will lead the audience to browse a diversity of close-eating sharks, including great white sharks, mako sharks,beijing escort, tiger sharks, ox sharks, Caribbean reef shark, lemon shark and scalloped hammerhead sharks, etc., and what kind of shark base in the most powerful jaws,shanghai massage, shark feeding frequency of how and why, what was the provocation of shark attack. (Dec. 17 premiere)
kiss five shark massacre < br> Mining abalone divers encountered a excellent white shark attacks,beijing escort, the head and an arm had been bitten. a youth matron to swim the waters approximately Easter Island suddenly encountered a dangerous position, the lifeguard came to the liberate with bite tightly approximately her legs began a immense shark drag of campaign. a shark scientist caught in the Bahamas more than a dozen sharks surrounded, and his leg was bitten. a fisherman's arm bitten off by sharks , but he altogether tin no remember the circumstances surrounding the incident. In the vicinity of a remote Pacific isle, a yacht holiday is the matron is a nine-foot tiger shark hauled into the water, the mariners above the ship in the same horror while She finally hit the shark ashore the snout it move behind. The 5 survivors of shark attacks will be their own experiences, himself survived to narrate their exciting stories. (Dec. 18 premiere)
shark tribe Quest < br> animal behavior experts 戴夫萨蒙尼 shark scientist Ryan Johnson and South Africa will be invited to heed the remote beach of New Guinea to visit the weird shark local clans - they paddled a small canoe, do not use lure,a broad scope of disburse care to the product process, you can ; phones Dec. 19 premiere)

the cardinal planting eucalyptus

In recent years, along with economic development, China's surge in claim for periodical; the same period,beijing escort, the Chinese paper manufacture also requested the emission energy, reducing the proportion of straw pulp serious pollution. Thus, it becomes integrated pulp and periodical country's strategic choice, from a massive paper mill pulp mill to create a colossal pretended rapid growing forest, and forest management, logging, pulp, paper and sales mingle into a virtuous cycle of industrial chain. for the development of integrated pulp and paper manufacture The 1st workshop, on how scientific development of plantations, environmental protection, efficient use of limited land resources has become a plantation manufacture development in the focus of attention.
citizen industrial policy that integrated pulp and paper countries via scientific planning and reasonable delivery of the Strategic Action scientific development in the sterile mounds and wasteland artificial pulp and paper forestry, to better protect normal forests and other ecological forest. reform and opening up 30 years of unprecedented economic and social development of China's development, the state forestry provide more funds to strengthen management of forest science matured time work. In fully appliance the Party parliament, forestry guidance of scientific notion of development, and promote the development of forest management. APP (China), as China's integrated pulp and paper companies, in compliance with national statutes and local policy environment, according to the scientific development of national policy guidelines for plantation projects, uphold the ecological forest and intensive management, and actively develop modern forestry. in promoting the ecological, economic, social balanced development, and approached initial expectations.
cultivate product efficiency in order to better protect the ecological environment. , so that savings in a decisive area of ​​land to effect both the conservation of biological diversity conservation merely also to amplify a win-win objective. In Brazil, nevertheless the implementation of the privatization of land. But the state regulations, the total area of ​​plantation pedestal in half planted forest, and half for biodiversity conservation. Therefore, to enhance the yield per unit area, retention the land, biodiversity conservation can be achieved.
from the perspective of sustainable evolution, technological evolution projects ambition be facing plantation treatment and monitor the environmental clash of woods plantation and protection of biological variety. November 2007, APP Forestry Division, Department of Environmental Protection launched electronic specimen bank project, which covers a range of Hainan Jinhua Forestry Co.,shanghai escort, Ltd. Management Area 8 Eucalyptus and Acacia mangium below the vegetation. at monitoring the eucalyptus factory specimens covered arbor, shrub and understory floor, herbaceous layer, vine, creeping vines, ferns, fungi, lichen and additional seven categories of the species, the scientific development because the APP plantation, conservation of ecological diversity provides the basic file. During, APP (China) Forest Service together with the Guangzhou Institute of Tropical Forestry in mandate to better comprehend their plantations above the surrounding environment, the water level and water quality, while the afforestation rigid control of the process of the use of fertilizers and chemicals to ensure aggrandize productivity and minimize environmental impacts between the two can have a reasonable poise.
APP China Forestry forest management and annual operations, have stressed that to maximize the protection of ecology,beijing massage, and to develop a set of scientific forestry processes,beijing escort, and strict enforcement. APP is immediately on the fashionable afforestation ought be carried out scientific arranging and devise, to retain the Peak, the mountain, ravines with native vegetation, set alongside by the foot of the conversion district 10 meters broad, and according to local conditions reasonably practical layout tree species, but to condense on the plantations, maintaining the diversity of forest species, highest early in the planting soil and water conservation.
in soil arrangement, planting, attention schooling process, APP also provides jobs to mountains along the outlines, the implementation of band action, thus shortening the slope, the line width of the ladder of the same makeup, so namely they form a layer of the runoff will be blocking layer namely weakened, mainly curb taint erosion.
in other areas, APP also strengthened the management. For sample, they deter cutting firewood in the forest to minimize the scalding and logging use while leaves and the return of forest bark to amplify soil organic matter and nutrients; stressed eucalyptus planting density should be rational, no also near; focus on save understory vegetation, tree, shrub and grass ecosystem; enhance eucalyptus and acacia, West Nan Hua and other species miscellaneous to create, to maintain nice forest ecosystems.
In increase, APP is also according to regional soil hydrology, elect the fitting planting of regional tree species. Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong as their cardinal cultivation camaldulensis, Eucalyptus exserta, Eucalyptus tereticornis lemon eucalyptus and other hi rainy eucalyptus, the chief cultivation in Guangxi Meranti, Eucalyptus urophylla, Yunnan of more droughts, the cardinal planting eucalyptus, blue gum and other hi straight dry dry eucalyptus.
2008 年 6 月 27 日, APP also Hainan to make to preserve ecological balance hh athletic plantation and biodiversity research, exploration, practice development and biodiversity conservation plantation in Perfect Harmony.